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为了达到公平,ETS公布了它考试的所有写作题库,那么为了达到能和native speaker一起竞争,考生应该在考前对所有题目都进行预习(节约考试时的审题时间),并通过100-150个提纲的写作了解GRE写作的一般结构,通过30-50篇写作来练习自己的写作思路和表达。对题库中的题目越熟练,对考试越有利。


每个评卷人对你文章的评阅非常快,不可能对每个细节都很仔细地去看。考生应该迎合评卷人的评卷思路,用最规范的结构和最清晰的表达来体现自己的思路:首段要鲜明地提出观点,中间段落层次要拉开,每段的开始应该就是该段的topic sentence.


首先,从ETS公布的各分数段评分标准看,其评分主要注重以下三个方面:1.逻辑分析能力(要求insightful);2.文章的组织(要求well-organized);3.语言能力(要求standard written English; concise; varied structure等)。







"Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook."

Never before in history have people been so beset with the overflow of ideas and images that the modern human must endure. We are constantly bombarded with news, advertising, and entertainment, so much so that we are often at a loss as to where we should focus our attention. This has lead to what many media critics have called "information anxiety," a term used to discribe the paralysis the ordinary human experiences when attempting to organize and synthesize the vast amounts of data that move past her everyday. Now, more than ever before, it can be seen that wisdom truly is attributable to those "who know what to overlook."

The Internet is a good example of the effects of information overload on people. Many people recieve hundreds of email messages a day, yet there is no possible way for them to respond, let alone read, all of these messages. Through practice they learn to pick out what will be of interest and to ignore the rest. A similar phenomena occurs when a person is "browising the web." Information, both trivial and profound, float by in a disorganized way. A person learns to ignore what is not relevant to their search. This is easily demonstrated by watching a person new to the Internet next to someone who is a veteran of the net. The new person will stumble on loads of irrelevant information while the veteran will most likely proceed to the information she seeks. This ability to overlook useless information is not only applicable to the net; consider the older but more established form of information known as the book.

Ever since Guttenberg rolled out his first few pages from his press humans have been wondering how to synthesize all this knowledge. Each year more and more books are written and published, more and more information is available to the public through bookstores and libraries, and each year the average person must struggle harder to find what she needs to know.. This is one of the primary reasons people are sent to college: they are taught how to access and research information they need.

It is only through experience that one understands how to overlook useless data. This is most likely what the author of the above quote meant.


This response presents a well-developed analysis of the issue.

Beginning with a strong description of the current state of information overload, the first paragraph provides a context for the issue and takes a clear position agreeing with the stated claim. The Internet example is well chosen and well developed, clearly supporting the point that wisdom involves learning to ignore what is not relevant. The reference to books reinforces this position but does little to advance the argument or add insightful analysis. The conclusion restates an earlier point, adding little to the analysis.

Despite a few instances of imprecise reference (e.g., "this has" and "all this knowledge"), the argument is presented clearly and coherently, meriting a score of 5. To earn a higher score, the response would need to develop a more thoughtful analysis of the issue.


"The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society."

The values of society have have changed so much during most recent years. Many of these values have changed for the worst. The media has been the vehicle that has taken us through these changes. The media has created so many avenues for us to take to find so many of these changes. They have created the avenues that children and young adults feel that they have to take.

Many years ago reporters and writers were telling us of all the good things that were happening in the world. You could walk into a store and eventhough there was a war going on, we would read about the soldier that left his family to fight for his country. Nowadays you walk into a store, read a book , or watch a T.V. show, and see all of the things that are happening in a very negative world.

The media is creating a society that says that it is O.K. for a man to wear earrings. That it is O.K. that marijuana is being legalized, that it is O.K. for juveniles to break the law. Why does not the media show us a professional male athlete that is also a family man? Why doesn't the author of a book or a reporter of a newspaper tell us about all of the bad things that happen to drug users and pushers? Why do the T.V. shows tell juveniles that all they get for breaking the law is a slap on the hands?

Society will be better off if the media would say, "Hey children, professional athletes can be good parents"! This would have a positive effect on the younger generation.

The media should do a better job in trying to create a good, healthy environment instead of showing us all of the bad stuff in our society. The media should show all young people the awful things that happen in juvenile hall, but that would be an infringement on the residents of the hall. Where are the rights of the people that they did not treat right?

Yes, the media is creating a bad influence in todays young people. But I believe that everything in the media can be overcome and ignored. We need to raise our children right.


This response is simplistic in its analysis of the issue. The writer has much to say about the negative influence of media on children, arguing that the media "should do a better job in trying to create a good, healthy environment." However, the writer never seems to consider the complexities of the issue -- for example, whether, or to what extent, the topic's claim is accurate, or whether today's media can have a positive influence, or whether society has any influence on the media.


