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1. 托福写作常见语法错误之句子缺少连词


误:My sister loves to dance, she is very good at it.

2. 托福写作常见语法错误之句式不平行


误:I like to eat Japanese and eating Thai food.(eating-> eat)

误:Teenagers are more influenced by their peers than their parents.(than their parents-> than by their parents)

3. 托福写作常见语法错误之句子不完整


误:Because some necessary procedures such as transporting the factories, modifying equipment or planting more trees.

4. 托福写作常见语法错误之句意重复或冗余

误:The low-priced car was inexpensive.(low-priced和inexpensive重复)

误:personally, I believe what the newspaper prints.(personally和I believe重复)

5. 托福写作常见语法错误之时态,语态不一致


She did not adapt to the environment, but with time passing by, they find him more and more proficient.

she 和him是怎么个意思咧?

I shall use my father's experience as an example. My father went to Australia several years ago. He see many birds and animals. 明明是过去,see怎么穿越回来了?

The gift I made are very pretty. gift是单数啊,are是怎么回事?


Successful men will have many places to live, a country house can provide a nice environment to relax, then it will be a new start point, but will not be an end one.

大家暂且忽略语法问题,且看这个句子。这个句子的第一个问题就是连词缺失:在live和a country house 之间原作者使用逗号衔接的,但是呢,逗号并不能代替and等连词的作用。因为 Successful men will have many places to live和a country house can provide a nice environment to relax都是两个完整的句子,而没有主从依附关系,所以必须得有连词(and,but,therefore)等连接才能保证句子有效。


缺连词的另一大原因是很多同学不知道什么是连词,什么不是。and or but 是最有名的三个连词。但是!however, so, yet, nevertheless也是连词!!!可以连接两句句子!

托福写作解析:Dangerous sport


Topic:Dangerous sport

Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.







Have you experienced the fear of bungee jumping? Have you ever enjoyed the excitement of car racing? Nowadays, more and more people are attracted to such dangerous activities, especially the young people. Wondering why? After thinking about the lifestyle of those people, the reason goes as follows.

While the world is becoming more and more competitive, the tasks on each person's shoulders become heavier and heavier. People's everyday activities are very intense. The best way to relax and get relieved is to go in for dangerous activities, because while you are doing something dangerous, you have to concentrate on it, and you cannot think about anything else. Hence you relieved all the unhappiness and the troubles you had in the daily work.

In addition, to take risks and try out new things is one of human being's basic instincts. People always like to do something new, especially when something is popular as well. According to some statistics, the dangerous activities are becoming extremely popular among young people. If you do not try some dangerous activities, people will think that you are a coward and you are afraid of doing it. So it is reasonable enough for them to do dangerous sports to show their braveness.

However, I do not like dangerous activities and I believe the phenomenon that people are attracted to dangerous activities is just a whim. After realizing countless disadvantages of them, people will reconsider about them. Some safer activities to help people to get relieved will be developed afterwards.

托福写作解析:An important skill


Topic:An important skill

What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.






Success has been an issue broadly discussed and defined by different approaches. Some say that being successful means being wealthy. Others associate success with popularity and power. A third approach would relate success with social and emotional well-being. So we come to the questions: “When can be someone considered successful?” and “What skills make success easier to achieve?"

In order to answer the second question, we should have a point of view about what success is. I consider that someone is really successful when that person is able to handle and enjoy social relationships. A leader can be powerful and recognized, but if he is unable to enjoy his leadership and feels lonely because he cannot establish a deep friendship, can we really say such leader is successful? On the other hand, a wealthy person may have all the possessions money can buy, but again, what if he cannot manage a marriage or a friendship? This person is likely to feel lonely and unsatisfied.

Developing social abilities may be a very helpful skill for a person to learn, in order to be successful in the social emotional side of his or her life. One ability to develop could be effective and assertive communication. Many misunderstandings and conflicts can be prevented if we express our ideas clearly and respectfully, and if we learn to ask for clarification when we feel threatened or offended by something someone told us. Another ability could be learning to handle teamwork. We need to learn to work with others at work, at home, at school, in our community. Getting into an agreement with our parents, children, coworkers and friends is a situation that can become hard to handle sometimes. Dealing with teamwork can be really helpful. Finally we could add the ability to deal with conflicts with others and conflicts with our own wishes or decisions. We will always find obstacles in our paths; it can be quite useful to know how to overcome them.

In my opinion, I would define success as being able to enjoy what you have, what you do and who you deal with everyday. And to achieve success, you should have skills that help you handle relationships with your peers. We are social creatures; we need each other to succeed, and to enjoy our success.


