为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,小编给大家整理了BEC高级阅读Part One搭配题解题技巧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
BEC高级:阅读Part One搭配题解题技巧
搭配题文章约有450单词长短,由真实来源的5篇相关短文组成。范例可以是一系列相关产品 描述、一组广告(例如,为不同类型的服务所作)、通知或留言、书籍或录像评论以及报纸上的相关主题 的短小新闻。
文字可能经过修改,但来源是真实的,可以等同于A- E段文字3
共有8个选项,每一项为一句话,编有1~8的号码。每句话的陈述只能和一段正文相匹配。学生的任务是看懂句子并细察正文以找出与句子对应的正文。该题测试学生是否理解各句话,并将各 句话与用不同语言方式表达的正文对应起来。
(4)任务项句子的语域或文体可能和正文的不同,应该训练辨认不同文体的同一信息的能力,例 如:将广告改写成客观真实平铺直叙的散文。
● Look at these sentences and the five news clips about different companies.
● Which clip does each sentence 1-8 refer to?
● For each sentence, mark on letter A. B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet.
1 A director of this company is leaving to pursue noncommercial activities.
2 This company has sold off one of its profitable sections.
3 A director of this company is leaving to devote himself to his own business.
4 This company has taken on several more senior staff members.
5 This company is involved in a sales deal with another company.
6 This company is involved in computer technology.
7 This company is losing a director but will replace him.
8 This company has been successful in its bid to take over another company.
A、Archer Group, the insurance broker said its managing director Ralph Sharp had resigned his directorship of all group companies and was leaving the group. The company said Sharp ''has been considering the changes which will occur in the Lioyed's Market in the post - reconstruction and renewal period and wishes to be free to pursue a number of opportunities which may arise at that time. "
B、United News and Media said it had appointed the following additional directors the announcement on Tuesday that the merger offers for MAI had been declared unconditional: Sir James McKinnon, deputy chairman, Lord Hollick, chief executive, Charles Gregson, director of broking and information, and Roger Laughton, director of broadcasting and entertainment. There were also three non-executive appointments: Richard Hooper. Sir Michael Lickiss, Christopher Powell and Geoffrey Unwin.
C、First Bus said Colin Smith, one of its regional directors and one of the original members of the buyout team from Grampian transport, had decided to leave the company to take up "long standing academic interests" His position as regional director for Scotland will be taken over by Robbie Duncan, who is currently the commercial director.
D、Division Group, the software house, has reached a deal with EDS under which the American company will resell the British company's virtual reality software in a range of markets around the world, including North America, Europe and the Far East. EDS, one of the leading information service companies in the world, includes most of the Fortune 500 companies among its client list.
E、Reckitt and Colman said it had sold the personal products division of its US subsidiary to JW Child Associates for $ 123 m. In 1995 the division generated trading profits of about $ 110m. The net tangible assets of the division amounted to $ 30m at the end of December. The proceeds are to be used by Reckitt to reduce debts.
这道题列出了发生在五家公司的一些情况或事件.答案分别是1.C 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B
举这个例子的目的,是为了使我们对阅读部分的试题形式有一个直观的了解。题目中的论 句是用不同于文聿的措辞来表达的。我们应该首先读论句,以便有的放矢地浏览文章的过程中找到 可以与之匹配的文章。这一部分考点是:能否理解论句的语言,并将它与文章内容联系起来。
要有整体意识,尽可能地注意y标答案之外的相关内容.抓住关键词。要努力培养一脑多用的习惯,如 果町能,就应该在利用关键词找到问题答案的同时,带着多个问题浏览文章.以实现答题效率化。
第七个论句:This company is losing a director but will replace him.
我们可以针对发生的特殊事件来关注关键词.一般句中的动词或词组都暗示了一些重要信息。 在个论句中,我们可以抓住director和replace这两个词。
个论句:A director of this company is leaving to pursue non-commercial activities.
第三个论句:A director of this company is leaving to devote himself to his own business.
director 一词又一次出现,还有own business值得注意。
这时我们会看到,文章A和文章C都含有关键词director,在文章C中,看到结尾处引号内的 "long standing academic interests" 时,我们应该很快意识到这是个论句里 non-commercial activities 的对应表达,而紧接着的下句中,be taken over则是第七个论句子replace的对应表达。这样,答案就显 而易见,和第七论句的答案都对应C.选项。
同样,在浏览文章A的过程中,我们可以在结尾找到第三个论句关键own business的对应表达方 式be free to pursue,所以答案为A。
在做题过程中,常常会遇到不能确定,模棱两可或确实找不出所需内容的情况。考场上,一定 不要钻牛角尖,拘泥于题目的先后顺序,及时向后转移注意力才是明智之举。先回答下一个问题一 很可能你就会在后面与你想要的答案不期而遇。
剑桥商务英语考试(BEC)髙级(Higher)试卷的部分阅读相对来说是整个试卷中对英语水平 要求较高的一个部分,因此也是笔试中关系成败与否的一个关键环节。从2002年起,BEC高级阅读与写作部分时间延长至130分钟(原BEC髙级考试阅读部分与写作部分时间共计100分钟),阅读和写作时间的增加,是因为题目要求增加了,题量不仅增大,而且要求考生写的字数增加。这是为了符合全球统一标准并与剑桥考试委员会其他考试标准相衔接。其中阅读部分时间共计60分钟(原考试阅读部分时间为50〜60分钟),包括填写答题卡的时间在内,这就使原本难度较髙的考题更具有了挑 战性3许多人感到时间比较紧迫,且正确率不髙,这归结起来主要是由于对BEC髙级阅读的试题规律 与特点不够了解,没有掌握有效的练习与应试方法。
试题分6部分,共有52道题。题型为多选项搭配题(两部分)、多选项选择题(两部分)、完形填空 题(一部分)和错误辨认题(一部分)。部分包括5篇短文或一篇较长的正文分为5节。第二、三、 四、五和六部分,每部分各有一篇较长的正文,均摘选自报纸、商业杂志、商务函件、书籍、传单及商品 手册等,都与日常工作相关,用以测试各种阅读能力和技能。
BEC髙级阅读部分难度要求在剑桥商务英语考试试卷中处于,按剑桥大学考试委员会(U-CLES)规定,应达到 Certificate of Proficiency English (CPE)和 Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)水平。
在BEC初级和中级考试中,"商务"方面的内容影响考试中的词汇、文章类型及情景,而语言能力的其他方面,例如阅读技巧中的获取文章要点或处理语法结构的能力应与BEC髙级和由剑桥大学提供的"普通英语水平考试"相同。而对于BEC髙级,不可能综合确定被认为适合这一级别考试的词汇, 不过,BEC高级的词汇是在BEC中级词汇的基础上加以扩大,BEC中级使用的是Hindmarsh的《英语词汇》(English Lexicon 1 ~5级)以及商务英语补充词汇表。不过由于BEC高级属于高水平的商务英语水平考试,试题中出现的词汇超出此表的范围,以考查考生通过上下文或其他技巧读懂有难度文章的能力。
BEC高级阅读部分的文章类型有各种类型的信函、备忘录、通知、时刻表,广吿、办公日记、说明书 和制度、选自商务和一般报刊杂志的文章、新闻报道、指南、手册和目录、公共信息和通知、商务计划、 公司节选的报告等等。
(3)所需技能:能在没有重大误解的情况下读懂较为复杂的文章大意.允许对用晦涩的语言表达 的复杂概念和论点产生误解。
2002年变动后的BEC髙级阅读部分题量增大,题目要求增加,这就对阅读能力提出了更高的要 求,在短短60分钟内,完成六大部分的阅读,并填涂答题卡,我们必须在仔细读懂选取项的前提下.快 速浏览,抓住关键词,着重理解总体意思,这种能力的培养要靠平时多做练习,有意识地锻炼自己纵 向快速浏览的速度。
遇到较难立即找到答案的选项,应及时暂时放开,继续下面的题目,这样在节约时间的同时,也为 在以后的浏览中找到答案回头再做提供了可能。
和其他很多考试一样,BEC高级阅读需要知识和技巧。有些人有足够的知识,但是得了低分。这 是他们的患得患失引起了焦虑"而另外一些人则需要更多的词汇和语法知识来提高他们的分数。知 识和考试技巧都能够在反复的练习中得到很大的提高,而且反复的练习能够帮助你消除部分的焦虑。 如果你对BEC髙级阅读试题的规则有较多的了解,你会在考试中表现得更加轻松。
The ABCs of Job Interviews In North America
The one-on-one format is the most familiar and common format in job interviewing. It’s about two people sitting down to have a conversation. In this case, the conversation has a particular purpose: To determine whether there is a natural fit between the interviewer, the applicant and the job available. Both parties will leave this conversation with some kind of a judgment. The interviewer will know whether you can fulfill the responsibilities of the position, and you will know whether or not this is the right position, and company, for you to utilize and expand upon your talents.
The interview begins the second you and the interviewer initially meet -- this is the crucial nonverbal judgment. The interviewer is sizing you up: Are you dressed appropriately? Are you well-groomed and pleasant? Next, is the handshake -- do you offer a limp-fish handshake or is it firm and comfortable? A lot of close scrutiny takes place in those initial moments, and the interviewer can get a good idea as to how well the interview will or will not go based on his or her first impressions of you. After a bit of chitchat or warm-up, the questions begin.
The conversation will usually begin with the same request: "Tell me about yourself." The information you reveal as an answer to this question and throughout the interview allows the interviewer to get a clear picture of you, and certain pictures or patterns will begin to emerge. Each time a new subject is mentioned, the interviewer may want to dig a little further, and the picture becomes more focused.
Behavioral questions such as, "Tell me about your experience with...," give the interviewer clues about your past experiences that can be applied to solving the problems of the job in question. You must be prepared to talk about your achievements and past behaviors and have examples of the experiences you mention. For example, if you say, "I am very detail-oriented," or "I am an analytical problem-solver," there must be examples to back the claims. Show the interviewer that you are detail-oriented by providing him with an example of when your attention to detail positively affected your work. You should create a list of your accomplishments and experiences that validate these claims prior to interviewing.
If you don’t immediately offer this information, the interviewer can probe further. As an example, you might say, "I have excellent written communication skills." The interviewer can now follow up on this subject by asking, "What type of writing have you done?" Or, "Tell me about a project you have worked on involving written communication skills." If you aren’t able to come up with good examples, or success stories, there might be a credibility problem. Saying you can do something and actually giving an example of when you have done it are two different things.
Interviewers are attempting to get a picture of your abilities to perform in the position that is available. They are also looking to see how you would fit in with the corporate culture. Sometimes there will be a succession of one-on-one interviews within the same company. The process may begin with the human resources department, then move on to an interview with a prospective boss, or hiring manager. It may then continue down the line to other members of a department, and can sometimes include a CEO.
In each one-on-one conversation, you must be able to present good examples and tell about past successes. When this is done, you can leave the interview knowing that you have communicated a picture that is positive and accurate, no matter how many conversations it takes.