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新托福口语的task 1以生活类话题为主,相对综合口语的答题要求并不是那么复杂。这个task的题目并不涉及到阅读和听力短文,学生只需回答听到的问题即可。学生会有15秒的准备时间和45秒的回答时间。但是,这道考题并不是单纯的就一个话题进行论述,而是给出两种观点,考生就这两种观点发表自己的看法,并且通常需要给出自己的偏向。在论述的过程中,考生能否给出具有说服力的理由是得分的关键。其实这部分的考题非常类似于雅思大作文task 2的考题的出题形式,并且在回答思路上也是非常相近的。


托福task1虽然属于生活类话题,但话题的覆盖面还是相当广的。常见的有:媒体类、教育类、环境类、抽象类、工作类、休闲娱乐类、生活类、地点类等。所以,我们在复习时首先要了解这些话题之下的常用词和和句型。这些都是口语表述的基础,没有词句,就是有在好的想法也无法用英语有效的表达清楚。比如在谈论教育类考题时,常用的动词和动词词组有:evaluate, standardize, judge, benefit, work efficiently, design, compare, eliminate等,而常用的名词及词组有:performance, standardized tests, criteria, goal, score, admission, basis, evaluation, standardized scale, educational system, supervisor等。在表述的过程中,最为重要的就是动词和名词,这些都是句子构成的重要元素。



Some people like to watch the news on television. Other people prefer to read the news in a newspaper. Still others use their computers to get the news. How do you prefer to be informed about the news and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

首先,我们可以使用一些典型的让步信号词,如:although, though, despite, in spite of, admittedly, it is true that等来提示让步。接着,给出让步内容。如我们想要表述的观点是:prefer to get news on TV and on computer,那么我们需要先论述的是自己不同意的这个观点,即:read news in a newspaper。首先可以给出从报纸新闻的优点来作为一个让步内容,如:contain some information that’s limited to local interests等。随后即可转而论述报纸新闻的不足之处,如:take long to produce, stories could have changed, important news could have happened minutes after the newspaper is delivered等。可供接出不足之处的常用结构有:the problem associated with…is that…, the problem with…is that…, the disadvantages are…, the downside of…is that…等。

有了这一段作为铺垫,我们就可以非常自然的提出自己的观点。即,正是由于以上提到的种.种问题,所以我倾向于另一种观点。要表明自己的观点,也就是告诉考官自己偏向于那种意见,在表述时,可以用I think it’s good to…, I prefer to…, in my opinion…, personally, I think…, on my part…, from my point of view等,这些相信大家已经是非常之熟悉了。随后,正如上文中已经讲到的,给出合理的有说服力的理由是非常重要的,所以在此马上要给出理由,可以用because, since, as, for, because of, due to, owing to, the reason is that, it is because等词来接出理由。

比如上面这道题让步结束之后马上就可以给出自己的观点,也就是:prefer to get news on TV and on computer,然后给出理由,如:watch the international news on TV at night for the most current information, click on one of the web sites that offer the most recent updates of the lead stories等。

最后,为了使回答完整,可以用一句话来概括一下自己这段话的中心内容,来作为有效的结尾。比如在这道题中,我们可以说:In order to stay current locally and internationally, I usually take advantage of the best aspects of all the news media.



The talk answers the topic question.

The point of view or position is clear.

The talk is direct and well-organized.

The sentences are logically connected.

Details and examples support the main idea.

The speaker expresses complete thoughts.

The meaning is easy to comprehend.

A wide range of vocabulary is used.

There are only minor errors in grammar.

The talk is within a range of 125-150 words.

托福口语考试task 1对考生极具挑战性的一点是,考生几乎没有深入思考的时间,在短短的15秒钟之后就必须开始说话。并且整段回答内容必须是非常具有逻辑性的一个整体,也就是说,必须在45秒钟之内给出一个由头有尾,个人观点清晰,且论证充分的完整回答。这并不是一朝一夕即可练就,而是需要我们日积月累,有较好的英语基础,并且通过刻苦练习来成的,所以我们在准备托福考试的时候,一定要坚信:Practice makes perfect.



托福口语考试对考生最具挑战性的一点是考生几乎没有深入思考的时间,从给出题目到开始考试,只有短短的15秒钟,却要求在45秒钟之内给出一个有头有尾的完整回答。老师说,托福考试是对考生英语素质的考察,很多考生面对计算机,不自觉就会出现很多口头禅,有英文的:well,you know等或者毫无意义的“啊、嗯”的音节,更有甚者,将自己的中文口头禅也说出来。这些无意义的词语出现在只有45秒的口语答案中,很具杀伤力。






The question II of TOEFL iBT is about Personal Preference. It asks you to express your preference from a given pair of choices. In this task, the questions mostly ask you to express an opinion and support it. Some other questions let you take a position and defend it. When responding to this question, you are to give some details and examples as well as reasons to rationalize your answer. A candidate will be given a preparation time of 15 seconds and have to make a response for 45 seconds. There are variety of topics in question II such as personal life, society and things and school. Below are examples of personal life topics:

Personal Life

1. Some people go straight to their destination when they travel. Other people visit the nearby sights as they go to their destination. Which kind of traveling do you prefer to do and why?

2. Some people work at home by themselves. Other people work at a company with coworkers. Which method of work do you prefer and why?

3. Is it better to have friends with different interests that oneself. Do you agree or disagree?

4. Some people enjoy eating familiar food. Others like to try new kinds of food. Which kind of food do you prefer and why?

5. Some people lead relaxed lives. Others lead active and busy lives. Which kind of life do you prefer to lead and Why?

Example TOEFL question

Some people prefer to make many friends. Others prefer to have a small number of close friends. Which approach do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your preference.

Reasons for making many friends:

1. Some people would want to make many friends simply because they like to socialize and mingle with other people

2. All people have different personalities. When you are friends with many different kinds of people, new personality traits emerge, and you decide whether you like yourself with a certain type of people or not.

3. Interacting with friends can help them gain variety of knowledges and informations about different fields, places and things.

4. Many friends can help them fulfill their ambitions and dreams since they could receive help from them especially if they have friends working in the government or people who has high social status.

5. They like to build sport teams such as basketball team , volleyball team or frisbee that needs many people on it so they can invite their friends to join .

6. When you have many friends you can share your passion around and persuade them to like it too. For example, passion in playing on-line games , passion in teaching , passion in singing and dancing.

7. If you have many friends you can compare or share your collection with them or they can help you to collect you collections such as stamps, shoes , coins .

8. People with many friends can feel that they belong to the society , they can adapt to different characters, habits and thinking and at the same time learning from them.

9. Some people think they are famous or feel very popular when they have many friends because wherever they go they would meet people they know and that makes them feel good.

10. When you have a large group of friends, you don't have to stifle your creativity as much because of everyone's differences in opinion. Learning how to make friends is an important skill, and one should be friends with a person because they are interesting and make one feel good, whether they have the exact same interests as you or not.

11. True friendships are important to everyone. People hang out with their friends when they feel bored, they have fun together, they share each other's joys and triumphs, and confide to them.

12. It is nice to always have a shoulder to cry on, and having more friends means that you will be able to receive more interesting perspectives on things.

13. Having a large group of friends will ensure that you have a life full of plans, fascinating conversations, and situations. It will help mold you as a person, teach you social skills, and expand your mind

14. Some people want to have a huge circle of friends because they want to build a networking company

Reasons for having small number of friends:

1. Having a small group of friends is maybe better because you focus more easily on them. Throughout your life you have different kinds of friendship as well as different stages. Those who claim that they have a large group of friends are deluding themselves. They have a lot of acquaintances but real friends are few.

2. You concentrate more easily with them. You have more quality time to spend with them. You always have time for them.

3. Your friendships are more intense, honest and beautiful because you have time for each one of them. Juggling among large group of friends is difficult

4. When you have small group of friends, you get to know your friend gradually and through spending your time together in many situations. Thus, it is important to have friends who are unique and there for you.

5. The concept of friendship is more recognized and appreciated through a small circle of friends. A large group is more superficial. You simply cannot have time for all of them if you want to have a real and loving friendship.

6. If you have small number of friends, you can remember their faces, smiles, words. And this is absolutely charming! To have them all in your heart! And knowing that they really love you and accept you!

7. Size does not matter and that less is more! Sometimes small group is more intimate and tight.

Sample Response

My preference is to have many different friends. For starters, I have many different interests . By maintaining a large group of friends, I can maintain all of them. For example, I can watch movies with some friends, visit museums with others, and hang out at home with even more friends. If I only had a small circle of friends, I probably wouldn’t be able to engage in as many activities as I do now. Another important thing is that I love meeting all kinds of people. My friends all have different personalities. This means I get to associate with people who are completely different from one another. So, depending upon my mood, I can choose which of my friends I’ll talk to or go out with that day.


Task 1-1

The thing I often take up in my leisure time is surfing the internet. The information on the internet can enable me to understand the world better. And it helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (96 words)

Task 1-2

The one that I personally admire the most is a character named Alan Shore in a TV series called Boston Legal. Maybe you have heard about it. This character has changed my definition of what a perfect man is and what characteristics one should hopefully possess. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have. 103

Task 1-3

The most important invention in my life is definitely the computer. I spend almost half of my waking hours on it. Definitely the computer. Through the computer I can communicate with the world using the internet. And it helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. 105

Task 1-4

I think one of the most important effects of the internet is that it can help us understand the world better, and communicate with the world in a way that nothing else can achieve. It helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. 102

Task 1-5

The place I would like to visit most is the outer space. The place where most of the physical laws on the earth do not apply. It is interesting to see everything floating in the air. And the term “in the air” should also be modified simply because there is no air anyway. It is interesting to walk the distance in a whole new style. And it is interesting to see the mother planet from a whole new angle. This big blue crystal sphere. From the pictures taken by those astronauts, the sight is marvelous. And I am dying to see this big blue ball in this style. 108

Task 1-6

For me I think it is the history. For I am a Chinese and we have so long of it. There simply is too much to remember. And the years, the names, the places, the events all became tangled up once you learn beyond 3 or 4 dynasties and I don’t even remember we have how many of them. But I still think it important because what is going on in this country still bear traces from the past with or without our notice, although we’d like to say that we live in a new China. And I think learning history is a great way to understand this country that I am born into. 114

Task 1-7

I’d like to talk to Alan Shore from the TV series Boston Legal. He is the kind of person I admire. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have. I want to talk to him about how to balance when you want to have principles and yet not bound up by them at the same time. 105

Task 1-8

I want to read biography books, because although we’d love to say that the society is changing and developing, human nature never changes much. And the biography books help me understand the nature behind the more visible events. I may encounter the same problems in the future and I’d like to know how others deal with them. And everyone is trying to present a more glamorous version of the self and it creates lots of illusions. Biography is a kind of way to break down these illusions and offers the truth about humanity. 93

Task 1-9

I eat healthy and exercise. When I am not busy, I’d go online and check out healthy diet. The information on the internet helps me understand the body and nutrition better and it is really helpful for me to choose and prepare healthy food. What’s more, sports is another way for me to stay robust. I swim and run in my spare time and do pushups and situps to keep healthy and strong. Occasionally, I will play basketball with my friends and classmates. Games make you forget about time and you don’t feel exhausted when you play for a long time. It is kind of exciting to do so. 109

Task 1-10

I enjoy listening to jazz. It is nice and easy to listen to. When you pour yourself a cup of tea in a cozy afternoon and sit in front of the table with a book open, jazz is exactly the kind of music you should be looking for. It tastes good along with the sunshine. All the pressures and troubles seem to disappear after a dose of it. Works better than drugs. I especially love a Chinese jazz musician called Wang Ruolin. Her version of the jazz is particularly relaxing for me and it is her who makes me fall in love with this type of music.



