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托福口语提升 ,如何在平时练好口语语感?今天小编给大家带来了如何在平时练好口语语感 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福口语提升 如何在平时练好口语语感?


熟悉OG例题和sample answer。后期复习中也最好不断重复sample answer,了解新托福口语考核的核心评价标准,对比提高自己答题的方式。


搜集素材,打开思路。通过逐个分析Blue Delta和黄金80题上的independent和integrated模拟题,准备好creative的段子,熟悉组织语言的思维模式。狂练连续三天,每天8个小时的高强度新托福口语训练,会让你蜕变。



2、答题要有节奏感。练习中要了解自己按照平时的语速说几句能在考试规定时间内完成答题。此外,重复一道题目或者一个类型的题目,比如 choose a teacher you admire and explain why you admire him or her(人物题)可以在不知不觉中修正自己的人物题模板,临考也可以随机应变。

3、笔记训练结合听力练习。虽说口语一共 30分,但是口语的一半分数应该算作对考生听力能力的考察。 6题中4题回答的内容都是基于考生的听力笔记,因此练习新托福口语的时候也相当于在练听力。注意!不要重复听录音,笔记只做一遍!按照笔记反复练习直到流畅并且不遗漏重点,笔记的核对请参照录音原文,对照重点是否记全,有没有自己添油加醋的地方。



强化练习,掌握题感。每天花费一段较长的时间(如1小时),连续练习,材料可以使用黄金80题,尤其是临考前几天。Keep talking,保持“口感”。



If someone donates a piece of land to your community, should it be used to construct an amusement park or grow plant and flowers?


If someone donates a piece of land to your community, should it be used to construct an amusement center or grow plants and flowers?

Well, I support to use the piece of land to grow plants and flowers due to the flowing reasons.

T2 if someone donates a piece of land to your community, should it be used to construct an amusement center or grow plant and flowers?

Task 2

Your community has been donated a piece of land, should it be used to build an amusement center or grow plant and flowers?



Sample answer :

I think that would be good. Many 60-year-olds are still physically strong.

For people like civil servants, who have comfortable jobs or are in power, it is the later the better.

If our healthcare and children's education can be better guaranteed, I think I will still be able to work for five more years. But if the social security is inadequate, I will find it quite hard to work another five years. It depends on how the society can reduce the pressure that's on us.

Statistically, "actual dependency ratio"(实际赡养比)will be five to one in 2020. If China doesn't take itself to full employment, increase low-income people's earnings so that they can not only feed themselves but also elderly people, or push pack the retirement age. By 2020, we will become a seriously aged country. It will lead to a series of social problems and directly threaten our goal of having a prosperous society in 2020.

I think there are pros and cons. The positive side is that middle-aged and elderly professionals can continue to make contributions to society. The negative side is that young people may have difficulty finding jobs.In an aging society, the number of elderly people is growing. If we push back retirement by another five years, young people will have fewer and fewer opportunities.


First of all, growing plants and flowers in the land can benefit more people. As we all know, not all the ages of people have interest in an amusement center which is too noisy. But a peaceful and quiet garden which is full of green plants and beautiful flowers is a better place for nearly everyone to relax. Take the community I live in for example, there are always many people in the nice garden chatting, exercising or even reading. But the number of people in the amusement center is much smaller, most of them are the same group of people who often play Mahjong. Some people even smoke a lot there, which is really unhealthy. Obviously, producing fresh air is another benefit of growing plants and flowers in the land.


I would like to choose to grow plant and flowers. First, nowadays environmental pollution is pretty severe around the globe; flowers help to purify the air, absorb CO2, and release oxygen, through the process of photosynthesis, so it helps to improve the air quality and contributes to the fight against global warming; second, growing plants and flowers also help to beautify the environment. Like last year, my classmates and I planted a lot of flowers like orchid, peony, and carnation in our community. This year, all those flowers blossomed, that was gorgeous, and it makes us feel proud.(新东方 鲁妍钰)



I guess I’d go for the first one, cause an amusement center is where people can gather together to have a moment, especially when they all come from the same community. It would be fun, and it could bond people closer, like, the kids may go playing on a swing or slide while the family members can have a quality time to barbecue or picnic. Nothing could be better if we put on some all-time favorite music or movies with lemonade and raspberry juice, and I bet a Dire Straits’ Wild West End and a Woody Allen’s Annie Hall would be a good fit. People come and go, they stay and leave, but for this moment, they choose to share a time in the amusement center together. They get something and leave something inside, something they once shared for a single moment, and for this single moment, it is what really counts, cause life is for sharing.


Personally, I think it is better to grow plants and flowers. Well, in my city, people don't have a proper park where families and friends alike can hang out together. A place with plants and flowers is perfect for citizens to have fun and get some relaxation. Actually, city dwellers are eager to get away from the busy streets and the crowd, and get close to mother nature. A place with trees and flowers can be very quiet and peaceful, plus trees and other kinds of plants can provide shades for people in the summer and produce plenty of oxygen. Thus, it is a perfect place for citizens to hang out and it will benefit people in all age groups.


T2: Which do you think is more important: spend more time on accompanying your families or work and study.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it’s more important to spend time with family than to spend time simply on study or working.


Task 2参考答案:

I think the situation depends. Like say, you are an ambitious young man, you have so many dreams to achieve, the work and study is definitely your priority, you have to read widely, travel more often, and be thirsty for personal growth,so as to constantly upgrade yourself and become competitive enough to stand out from the crowd in this fierce competing world. But if you are a family man who enjoy family gathering time the most. Like say, a dog, kids, and a happy family are what you desire the more, then you should definitely spend more time on accompanying them; that is another kind of life-style,which is also admirable and should be respected.


I agree with the statement. We always keep study and work in mind because they help us go places, get rewards. However, family is something we should never choose to neglect. I have a second cousin who works overseas now. He’s a CEO for a big company and has always been a success. All the time he spent in boarding schools and college in UK deprived him of the time to spend with family. His parents love him a lot of course, but when we had family gatherings and talked about their son, the old couple always sighed because they didn’t have much to talk to their boy and ditto my second cousin. In all I think it’s a sad story. I guess balancing the time between family and work/study is after all crucial for every person.



