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快点去看看怎样用好这样一个地道的备考神器,让你的口语分数up up !

STEP1 瞄准话题

小站君此前也已经发出了不少口语话题预测,然后从中挑选比较难的或者你觉得说起来非常吃力的话题,比如a wild animal,或者是the law.

STEP2 理清思路


我们以a wild animal做个例子:


1) what animal it was

2) what it looked like

3) where you saw it

4) how do people in your country feel about the animal

将话题进行分解之后,你在单词或者内容上的不足将会很快被暴露出来,这个时候开启STEP 3就可以事半功倍啦!

STEP3 找好素材

这个时候开启维基百科,然后为你的话题找素材吧!比如我们在wild animal中,以tiger为话题,我们找到的内容如下:

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, most recognizable for their pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard.

Tigers are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids. They are territorial and generally solitary but socialanimals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements.


STEP4 适当改写



I would like to talk about tigers.

Tiger is the largest cat species, I think they are beautiful , especially for their most recognizable pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside.

I can still remember when I first time saw them in ……

We also have a history tale about tiger……

这只是一段参考思路,烤鸭们在将内容进行改写的同时,不要忘记加入一些口语化的语句和内容比如you know, I also like to 等等,将维基作为一种工具去润色运用,而非标准答案直接照抄,这是很重要的哦~

雅思口语Part 2新题范文之喜爱的广告

Describe an advertisement that you saw or heard or liked

You should say:

Where you saw or heard it

What kind of advertisement it was

What the content of the advertisement was (or, what product /service was advertised)

and explain how you felt about this advertisement/ why you liked it.


There are several types of advertisements that we see daily on TV, billboards, through the Internet, social networking sites, mobile applications, and mobile games. Many of them are very banal, full of marketing speech and kind of boring while others are average and their primary focus is to express the positive sides of a product to increase the sales. Finally, quite a few of them are creative, informative, humorous, fascinating and memorable.

I usually do not like to watch advertisement between a movie/ TV programme and large commercial breaks are quite annoying to me. I personally think that the best way of advertising is using billboards, which can lead you to remember the brand name forever without actually annoying you.

Well, the best advertisement I have ever seen that I still like for its uniqueness was on a highway in the United Arab Emirates and I really liked the idea of this advertisement. One day while passing the main road a big billboard caught my eyes. It was designed to look like the filtration zone of a cigarette which is commonly known as the cigarette butt. The large billboard was quite different in shape and it presented the message ‘Stop smoking even Marlboro’ quite visibly.

I stole a glance at the billboard and thought about the message it conveyed. I actually did not think much and forgot about it. After an hour I found myself in front of a beach with a packet of Marlboro cigarette in my pocket. While I was lighting a cigarette, I was wondering why I bought a packet of Marlboro? It is usually not my brand! To my surprise, I realised that the advertisement that I saw on the road had an immense effect on my psychology unconsciously. I was convinced that the billboard had forced me to buy that brand unconsciously. I think it was the first time I realised how advertisements can target people's unconscious mind. Technically speaking this is the moment I realised that the best way to influence people’s buying behaviour is to use their unconscious mind instead of trying to deliver marketing speeches. When I thought more to analyse the billboard advertising and its effect on me, I realised that the advertiser tried to use reverse advertising techniques by delivering the message that Marlboro is less dangerous and smokers who wish to quit smoking should try this. Possibly all smokers- from light smokers to heavy ones, wish a day without smoking though many of them do not try hard. Then the billboard advertisement was pretending as if they were broadcasting an important public safety message. Moreover, they used a fascinating design on the billboard that would actually grab anyone's attention. As you can see, they were quite successful as I still remember this advert very vividly and I like this advertisement due to the creative thinking of the maker.

雅思口语Part 2新题范文之重要信件

You should say:

When you received it

Who sent it

What it was about

Why it was important to you

1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:an important letter you received(重要信件)

Ok, well I suppose one of the most important letters I’ve received was an offer letter from a university I applied to – Leeds University, to be precise – so that’s what I think I’ll talk about.

And as for who the letter was from, well, I can't quite remember the name of the actual person who wrote it, I’m afraid, but if I’m not mistaken, it was sent by the university admissions office, who I guess are responsible for handling such matters.

Anyway, regarding what the letter was about, well basically, it was just informing me that I had been accepted onto their Master’s program in Finance, so it was really great news for me, because this was the course that I most wanted to study, and out of all the various universities that I applied to, Leeds was definitely top of my list, as it was the one that most appealed to me, in terms of both the course content and social life.

So, as you can imagine, I was over the moon after receiving the offer. I mean, it felt like all the years of hard work I’ve put into my studies seemed to have finally paid off, so it was like a dream come true for me, it really was.

And finally then, with regard to why this letter was important, well, I think it goes without saying that it was extremely important, because essentially, it means that I’m gonna be able to study abroad, which I’m sure will have a huge impact on my future career, as it will hopefully enable me to apply for jobs which I wouldn’t have otherwise been considered for.

And as well as this, I reckon that studying abroad will help me become more mature and independent, which I’ve noticed has happened with a few of my friends who have spent some time abroad, and I’m sure this’ll have a positive effect on my life in general.

So it’s a big opportunity for me, and I’m really looking forward to it!



