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Describe a mistake you once made.

You should say:

what it was

how you made this mistake

when it was

and explain how it affected you.


The biggest mistake in my life was falling in love with the wrong girl who had a completely different view of life, love and relationship. I was hardly 17 years old when I fall hard for this girl.

Initially, we were classmates and then became friends. In a year I started to feel something about her that was quite extraordinary and hard to explain. I guess people call this 'love'. My whole world started to shift and I was surrounded by a mirage for this whole time. Not a single moment had passed when I didn't think about her. She was the centre and power source of my universe. When I proposed her, she expressed her boundless joys and acted as if I should have proposed her earlier. So far, this is a sweet and innocent love story of a teenager and I was happy to have her in my life.

However, it took me only a few months to realise that she was not serious about our relationship. When she was my whole world, I was her just another temporary boyfriend. The relationship ended in ten months and I was so broken-hearted that I could not concentrate on anything for a while. My parents also knew about it and they were very supportive of me. First few days, it was quite difficult for me to get back to my normal life, study or go outside. I simply could not appease my mind that I made a great mistake and it was like an illusion that I need to come out from soon. However, when I started realising that I made a big mistake by approaching a serious relationship without even knowing the girl genuinely, I started making peace with my mind. I was completely honest with myself and that eventually helped me to get out of the depressive time I went through at that time.

The lesson learned from this mistake made me more cautious about making any kind of relationship and I am happy that I took this mistake as an event to learn a lesson. However, I often feel bad that how someone could be so naive to play with someone's sentiment so cheaply.


Describe a method that helps you save money

You should say:

what it is

how long have you been following it

is it a common method

and explain how effective it is to save money.


Interesting topic indeed and I thank you for the chance to let me talk about a method or way I personally apply to save money. Well, I use a personal accounting application on my mobile phone and enter my monthly earnings and expenditures on a daily basis. This method helps me track down the unnecessary expenses, alert me whenever my expenditure goes beyond a certain limit and eventually help me save money out of my monthly earnings.

This is an accounting software for the smartphone users. It is quite intuitive and easy to use- does not require someone to know the basics of accounting. This is comparatively a small application and does not require a huge resource, unlike many smartphone applications. I have been using this Android mobile application for the last 2 years. I have found it a very handy application that enables me to enter my earnings, expenses, shows various comprehensive reports and possible areas where I can expense less and save money. For instance, at the end of a month, I noticed that I have spent more than 700 dollars on taxi fair and that was quite alarming. I would never have noticed that without this application and from the next month I have devised other plans to reduce my monthly transportation costs.

I am not sure if this application is widely used or not, but using some sort of personal accounting software, mobile applications or using a notebook to tally the earning and expenses is rather a common method. I had my doubt initially whether I would be benefitted from this method. But after a few months, I started realising that it was helping me immensely. As a salaried employee, my earning remains almost the same in each month but the expenses vary to a great extent. Interestingly I knew the mandatory areas or my monthly expenses before I started using this application but after I started using it, my perception of the areas of expenses totally changed. I had no idea there were so many areas of my expenses and the possible ways to save some money weekly by following some simple steps. This application helped me tremendously and I have to thank the developer of this application who made it totally free to download and use.

Adjusting the daily expenses on the application was kind of boring at the beginning, but within a few weeks, I made it a daily habit. Since this method is helping me to save money, I consider it an important task at the end of the day. This application even has reminder options for different events and occasions of my friends and family members. For instance, at the beginning of a month, the application shows me the birthdays or similar events that are going to take place in this month. The reminder also shows me the possible amount I can spend on gifts without crossing my monthly budget. The most amazing feature of this application is its ability to compare products I regularly purchase or intend to purchase and notify me the best price and special deals. I personally find it very handy as the shopping comparison is done by my application and saves both time and money for me.



