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1. 重复、犹豫和自我纠正次数过多





2. 没有充分交流的意愿


Q : Do you like your hometown?

A : Yes, I like my hometown.

如果给出简单的Yes or No的回答,加上简单的重复问题,又怎么能体现you are willing to speak at length呢?



Yes, I love my hometown very much. It's the place where I grow up carefreely. Besides, my parents and many of my close friends are still living and working back in my hometown, so wherever I go, it remains the place that I miss the most.

Another thing I like about my hometown is its magnificent natural landscape, like rivers and forests. I believe it's something that I'll never be able to experience in metropolises surrounded by lifeless high-rise buildings.

3. 停顿时间过长

中国考生受母语的影响会使用不恰当的语气词en..er, 甚至还有考生在考场直接蹦中文 “那个”。而且,还有很多考生在听到问题后只顾着思考,而没有及时开口。这样在流利度这个单项上是不可能拿到6分的。

如果想要在答题中争取更多思考时间,可以使用这些填充语:um, let me see, let's see, well, I mean, basically等。


Q : Why do you like it so much?

A : I like it because…en...it’s interesting.

可以改编为:Well, let me see. Um..., it's quite interesting. You have to be extremely concentrated when playing the game. And it is a great way to improve your reactions and competence.


很多考生在答题时使用的衔接词仅仅是because, so, and, but, 或者过度使用you know, actually等语气词。


例如表示因果可以使用as a result, for this reason, this is why...,对观点补充说明时用besides, what's more, in addition, on top of that, as well as that...,而when it comes to, as far as...is concerned,as regards/regarding,speaking of/talking about也可用于转移换题或答题角度。

5. 考官干扰



1. 口语考试时间为11-14分钟。P1 4-5分钟,P2 3-4分钟,P3 4-5分钟。考生可以用口语救生圈的「今日模考」功能,检测自己完成一整套模考所花的时间,慢慢学习如何掌控时间。

2. 备考时应该避免直接背诵答题范例,而是应该学习范例中的答题思路和地道表达,再通过结合个人的实际情况,整合成自己的素材,不要追求把范例一五一十的全部背下来。

3. 在考前尽可能地熟悉雅思口语考试的真题。考试的时候,遇到不懂的问题时不要不懂装懂,要礼貌的向考官追问。


雅思口语p2物品类话题6分范文:good habit of your friends

Topic:Describe a good habit of your friends you want to develop.

You should say:

what the habit is

who has the good habit

why you think the habit is good

and explain why you want to develop this habit

Sample answer:

Actually, I suppose that for the most part I’d probably say is my friend, Lucia, has a good habit of reading for 2 hours every night before she goes to bed. These days, I am also thinking of developing the reading habit. When I was a child, my parents bought me a number of books on art, literature and history. At that time, I used to read books for 3 to 4 hours a day. I remember that I gained a lot of knowledge from these books. I could always find peace and happiness from reading. But now, I rarely read extra books after school, even on holidays. To develop this habit, I am determined to spend 2 hours on reading extra books every day and make some notes on what I have read. However, it’s somewhat difficult for me to insist on reading books every day. For one thing, I need to spend hours finishing my homework and preparing for my IELTS. Meanwhile, I hold the post of the leader in School Speech Club. Sometimes we need to organize different events or invite renowned scholars to make a lecture. Both the academic pressure and school work exhaust me. I am as busy as bees, and always feel anxious under the pressure. I hope I can develop this good habit and enjoy the happy moments that reading once provided me.

9-12月雅思口语Part3范文:a sport stadium

1.Do you prefer indoor sports or outdoor sports?

I prefer to spend my leisure time for outdoor sports. Because doing outdoor activities will help me to become more healthy, make me to be closer with nature and expand my relationships. You see, enjoying the fresh air, some beautiful flowers and some bird songs, all these stuff are happening while you play sports with various people but with the same interest, that experience is simply a blessing.

2.what are the benefits of group sports?

Playing games is essential for people at any time for 3 main reasons. Firstly, people play games to relax and get rid of stress. Secondly, games can improve memory and health. Last but not least, games can connect people and people together. People can make friends or even create many relationships while playing games.

3.what can children benefit from doing sports?

Sports, whether team-based or individual, are a great activity for children that provide a variety of benefits other than physical activity. Participation in sports can help build self-esteem and confidence, can motivate children to excel academically and can help build social skills. Participation also can teach children the benefits of goal-setting and practice.

4.should young people try dangerous sports?

I am a believer that kids of all ages can participate in extreme sports. However, it should be on a child’s own agenda to take it to the extreme and not that of their parents. If a child is led into taking the sport further than the child is comfortable with, there is opportunity for injury. Not only that of physical injury but also may affect the mind of the young child through development.

If children are driven to be the best and to take it to the next level, “game on” They should be motivated and guided along the way without fear of failure.



