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雅思口语 国内考生常犯的错误


1.有些同学在讲英文时由于紧张或者思维中断会出现表达停顿或是说“那个”等中文语病的习惯。对策:大量补充合理拖延时间的英语表达方法,如:How shall I put it? I think...That"s difficult to say,I guess...等,雅思考试口语指南中有专项讨论这个问题,其中收集的语句就很有效。在口语表达过程中一出现停顿就可以将这些表达方式灵活使用。

2.大部分中国同学在考雅思口语时都有回答过于简洁的毛病。Are you still a student?Yes,I am.Where do you study? I study in Tianjin University. Which major do you do?I"m in Computer Science Department.Which year are you in? I am in the third year.


符合雅思要求的答案应该是在第一个问题问出的时候就直回 答:yes,IaminthethirdyearinComputerScienceDepartment,TianjinUniversity.不仅简 洁而且信息详细,这样就避免了考官在进一步问更多问题。雅思口语考试的所有问题是预先设计的,所以考生在考前准备时也应该对常见问题做出答案,而不是真的 两手空空去考试,完全看现场的发挥。所以从这个意义上说,雅思口语考查并不完全是考生的真正口语水平,而是考前的准备工作。而且准备答案时要注意做到信息 含量大而结构简洁。切记回答过于复杂冗长。


举个简单的例子,如果你习惯说I like red flowers and green trees,那么现在就要改成I like flowers which are red and trees which are green.值得一提的是,这里并不是建议大家教条地把所有的有定语修饰的句子都改装,只不过提醒大家注意英文的表达习惯,意识到在你的英语口语中应该有 大量定语从句的存在,这样才能使你的口语向更为完善、地道的方向迈进!

4.不习惯说反话。用含有否定词的句子表示肯定的含义和不含否定词的表达否定是英语口语表达的一大特点。在雅思口语考试的准备过程中应该多补充类似的 常用语句。比如:当你同意某人的观点时,通常会说yes或者Iagree。不妨使用一下I couldn"t agree with you more,既增加了肯定的语气,又丰富了口语表达的含量。相反,如果你要表示不喜欢某物,则可以用sth is the last one I consider.



雅思考试口语第一个部分(Part1):introduction and interview部分

introduction and interview我们主要可以分为;两个部分解答:在开始的时候,考官会问基本问题是你的名字和要看你的身份证,之后考官会连续问关于基本的一些生活相关的问题。这些都是基础性问题,如你现在是上学还是工作,你住在哪,家乡在哪,你的兴趣爱好这样方面的问题,这整个过程持续时间大约是四到五分钟的时间。

雅思考试口语第二部分(Part2):Personal long-turn部分

在这个部分,学生会拿到一张写着题目的纸张,这个题目主要是描述一个人(比如,Describe a famous person who is important to your own country.),或者一个地方(如,Describe a place near the water),或者是某件事情,还有一些提示性的问题。根据这个问题,雅思考试的考生会有一分钟的准备时间,考生要把这自己准备的一段话进行阐述,这段话的内容必须围绕刚刚给出的题目进行,也可以适当延伸一下。

雅思考试口语第三部分(Part3):Two-way discussion部分




A、Fluency and coherence,流利度和相关性

B、Lexical resource,词汇量

C、Grammatical range and accuracy,所谓的语法的范畴和我们的所谓的什么,准确度



Can you swim?

No, I can't. I hate to get water in my ears and nose.

Do you like swimming?

Yes, I am crazy about swimming especially butterfly stroke and breaststroke. I believe swimming can help me build up my body and makes me keep a trim figure.

Have you ever tried to learn to swim?

Not yet. Although I want to learn I know absolutely nothing about swimming. No floating, no doggie paddle, I can't even kick the right way. It's hard for me to get a start.

Did you learn to swim when you were a child?

Yes, I did. But it isn't the regular swimming stroke like butterfly stroke. It's doggy-paddling.

Who taught you to swim?

My dad threw me into the swimming pool when I was five. I caught on pretty quickly with the water wings. Then, I took swimming lesson. I learned professional swimming stroke from the lifeguard.

How did you learn to swim?

As I remember, my uncle took me to take a swimming course when I was 10 years old. During that 15-day course, the instructor taught us swimming from ABC. We need to practice holding breath under water and floating on the water surface as the first step. On the last day, we had a small test of swimming across the pool to demonstrate our real capability. It was great fun.

Where do people go swimming in your hometown?

In Wuhan, people mostly go to public swimming pools if they want to swim. Some of these facilities are pretty affordable. Also some communities have their own swimming pool, and this is truly convenient for residents living there. Then the last choice would be the Yangtze River. Even though this is not so clean and a little risky at the same time, many people actually swim there, coz after all you have to pay nothing for it.

Is swimming very popular in China?

It's popular in china. Many communities have their own swimming pool and swimming club.

Why do many people like swimming?

Swimming has been recognized as an aerobic exercise which is good for building your aerobic system. Swimming is physically demanding but it won't give you strong muscle but beautiful figure.

What do you think are the benefits of swimming?

I feel swimming is quite necessary to learn not only as a way of exercise but also as a life-saving skill. Clearly, swimming is an all-round exercise to keep us in good shape. And in some special cases, people who know how to swim would be more likely to survive. Also you can't forget how much fun you can get from swimming itself. So swimming is definitely something deserves learning.

How do children learn to swim?

For children, there are mainly two ways to learn swimming. One is attending some swimming course and the other is instructed by parents. Formal classes would be more professional but you need to pay extra money. However, learning from family cost you almost nothing and the time is rather flexible as well.

Do you prefer to swim in the sea or in a swimming pool?

If I had to choose, I'd favor swimming in a swimming pool because it is safer in the swimming pool but there are many uncertain factors in the sea. The swimming pool is much smaller and not so complex. Besides, there is at least one professional safety guard at the pool in case of any emergency.

Do you think it's good to have compulsory swimming lessons for children?

I think it should be taught in schools as part of the PE curriculum. Especially for kids in those island regions, it is important for kids to have basic swimming skills. When they find themselves in an emergency it can make a difference.



