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雅思面试也就是雅思的口语考试,是采用面对面一对一的对话形式。下面小编就和大家分享 雅思面试的这几个注意事项,欢迎阅读!





如问“Good morning/ good afternoon.My name's X. Can you tell me your full name,please?"

比较合适的回答是:“Good morning, John. My name is Yang Yiming。”




在真正的日常交流中,外国人并不会去追 求一些难的单词,而更多的是用最简单的词汇和语法结构将自己的意思表达出来。所以,老师建议考生不要去追求用什么难的单词,而是想方设法用自己已经会的表 达把意思表达清楚即可。












这是一位考生最近参加了雅思考试以后,所说的一段话:“当我在回答考官问题时,考官没有等我说完就打断我。 可能他不喜欢我的回答或者我的英文不是很好。”

事实上,在任何模块,考官都有可能不得不中断考生的讲话。在第1部分和第3部分,考官会询问考生一系列问题以充分考核考生的口语水平。 每个问题都会以不同的方式测试考生的英语应用能力。 例如,一个问题可能会测试考生是否能恰当地运用英语对物品进行对比,下一个问题可能会测试考生能否谈论将来可能发生的事件。 因此,如果考生的答案比较冗长,考官也许会中断考生的回答。这样可以方便考官提不同的问题来测试考生英语口语能力的不同方面。而且,考试的每一部分都有时间限制,这也需要考官在必要时打断考生回答以确保在有限的时间内完成全部口语测试。

因此,如果第2部分的谈话超出2分钟的时间限制,考官就需要中断考生。 但是,测试不会因为被中断而扣分。如果考官多次中断考生的回答,这通常是因为考生的回答太冗长。 不过,考生是否详尽地回答问题是影响流畅性得分的一个因素。只要考生回答时没有过多犹豫、更改或重复,详尽回答问题将有可能让考生在流畅性方面得到更高分数。


另一位考生在参加完考试后说道:“考官只用了不到10分钟就结束了我的口语测试了。 当考官说考试结束的时候,我很惊讶,真想说: “请您再多问几个问题吧,我还想继续口语测试。”我不知道这意味着什么。 也许他认为我的口语很不堪或者他根本听不懂我的回答,因此他就结束了测试。”

口语测试的时间长度是11到14分钟。 根据上述情况,考官给考生考试时用了所能允许的最短时间。

考官为什么会用最短时间呢?可能仅仅是因为考官已经评定了考生的口语水平,无需再继续进行剩余三四分钟的考试。只要考生以正常语速回答问题,考官就能最短在11分钟内评定考生的英语口语水平。 因此,多数考生的口语测试时间大约为11到12分钟。 但有时,考官也会对考生进行14分钟的最长时间的测试。例如,在11分钟内,考生的回答还不能使考官评定其口语水平时,这种情况就会发生。


• 回答比较简短;

• 语速比较慢;

• 出现停顿,更改,犹豫或者不断重复。

另一方面,考试时间较长也可能是因为正面的因素: 例如,水平很高的考生在回答第3部分问题时往往会给出比较详细的答案,这样就会需要更多时间。而且,如果考官很赞赏考生的回答,考试时间也会在允许的范围内较长。最重要的一点是考生不会在11分钟之前结束口语测试。反之,考官最多也只可以利用14分钟的时间对考生的口语能力作出合理的评定。


• 在第1、3部分应该提问足够多的问题;

• 考生有机会陈述观点;

• 对考生作出的评定应该是准确的。



曾经有位考生告诉我,当她回答问题时,考官没有直视她。 她认为这就表示她的答案很枯燥或她的英文不好。 另一位考生在网上也写了类似评论:“如果考官对您的回答没有作出很兴奋的回答,而且表情漠然,那么你的口语考试成绩就不会很高。”

上述两位考生都误解了考官的肢体语言。 缺乏目光交流并不意味着考生的回答很枯燥或者英文不好。因为当考生回答问题的时候,考官可能正在:

• 为了准确判断考生的口语技能而仔细地聆听考生所说的一切;

• 浏览评分标准;

• 做一些简短的笔记;

• 看看要问考生的下一个问题。

而且,口语测试是一个规范化的测试。 这就意味着对考生的准确评定不是建立在轻松的日常交谈的基础上的,而是建立在正式的、结构化的面试的基础上的。这也意味着世界各地的口语考官的表现要既专业又保持一致性。例如,考官们必须尽量避免给与鼓励性的评论(如:“很有趣”)或用手势脸色来传达过于支持的情绪。 有关人士在网站上也建议,考官一定不要对答案“反映过于兴奋”。 总之, 不要因为以上这些不必要的疑问和焦虑让您觉得考试发挥得不好。 消极的想法不会带来良好的表现。



Describe a person you saw in the news who you want to meet.

You should say:

who the person was

when you saw him or her

what was the news about

and explain how you felt about the person or the news

A person I think I’d like to meet that I’ve seen in the news is Oprah Winfrey. You may know her, she’s one of the richest women in the world – she’s a TV host from the US. I am not sure how often she is on the news, but she has her talk show, she hosts it, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and I’ve seen it multiple times, and I really like her personality, her attitude and assertive character and the way she interviews people, listens to them and offers her opinions. I did see her on the news several years ago, in fact. It was a time when she went into a high-end handbag shop and was looking at different and very expensive bags. The shop assistant did not recognize her, and was apparently very rude to her by refusing to take down from a high shelf behind her, a very expensive bag that Oprah wanted to see, and Oprah felt that she was treated in this way because she is a black woman – because of racial prejudice. Anyway, I saw this both in the newspaper and on television, because even though Oprah did not reveal which shop it was (because she didn’t want to damage the reputation of the store), she did openly discuss the incident with the media, and then someone in the BBC, I think, managed to track down the actual shop, who then gave a public global apology, claiming it was a misunderstanding. I think the incident took place in Switzerland, I’m not sure. I am not sure how I felt about this incident. I think it’s an interesting story, and I’m always interested to see international news stories especially about famous stars like Oprah Winfrey.


1. What kind of people can be usually seen in the news?

Politicians usually feature in the news a lot, and some celebrities. And, of course, reporters and news presenters who go to different places and different countries to deliver live reports on television.

2. Do you think famous people, celebrities, can have a big influence on the general public by their behavior?

Yes, I think so. Especially on young people. Young people like to have idols and role models and they tend to get very passionate about following famous people sometimes, especially singers, pop icons, sports personalities and some actors. So, famous people have a responsibility to behave fairly decently in the public eye, so that they do not negatively influence young people, in particular. Also, today the media are like vultures, they are always following famous people looking for gossip – so if you’re famous you not only have to make sure you behave perfectly in public, but you must also protect your private life from snooping journalists who are looking for a story. So, yes, it’s not always the responsibility of the celebrity, it’s also the gossip from the media that can have an influence on young people.

3. What kind of issues are frequently reported in the news?

Oh, lots of things are reported in the news… The news might talk about international events, treaties, conflicts, and major things that are happening in the world between governments. The news might also cover the environment, the economy, business news… things like this.

If there is a natural disaster like a hurricane or an earthquake or something, this will be reported, and sometimes a reporter will be sent there to do a live report on the event, maybe interview some locals and so forth – for example, only a few weeks ago I heard about the eruption of a volcano in New Zealand. Reporters arrived on the scene shortly after the incident and interviewed some of the relief crew on live television. Things like this are commonly reported on the news, both on television, and on line.

4. What’s the difference between the news nowadays and the news in the past?

The main difference between the news today and the news in the past is that in the past everyone relied on TV and newspapers for news, but today people read most of their news on their smartphones. So, the news is more up-to-date today than in the past. It’s an interesting topic because today there are different opinions about the reliability of the news. Some people say we can trust the news more today, and some people think we should trust the news less, because there is more censorship and control of the news. I’m not sure what I think to be honest. Because there are so many more ways of getting news from all over the place, I don’t really know whether we can trust it more or less than in the past, but I do know that it’s much easier to access the news and reading news on our phones is certainly is a good way to kill time on the subway or in a taxi, or when you’re waiting to be served in a restaurant or other times like this.


Describe a family member who you spent the most time with.

You should say:

who the person was

what you guys did together

why do you spend the most time with that person

and explain how you feel about spending time with the person

The family member I’d like to talk about is my brother. He’s an amusing person, actually, with a dry and mischievous sense of humour. He is 5 years younger than me and he works for a company that sell automobiles, a kind of off-road adventure vehicle company, I guess you’d call it. Anyway, to be honest he’s a bit lazy, but always seems to be quite lucky in finding good jobs with flexible bosses, great benefits and a fairly high salary! I think maybe it’s because of the way he is able to talk confidently to all different types of people, and command respect, as well as being an endearing person who is pretty well-liked. I spend most of my free time with him because he lives next door to me and because we help each other out a lot with all sorts of things and on the weekends we go out for meals, then go to a bar and drink and share stories and discuss family and friends. On Sundays we take it in turns to cook – he enjoys cooking Mexican and Lebanese food – it’s kind of his hobby really – and I enjoy cooking Chinese and Japanese dishes. So, most Sundays we invite each other round, along with friends and sometimes other family members, and we eat together. He’s very sporty, and I’m not very sporty, so this is the main difference between us really – apart from this we are very similar and have a really good laugh together and share a lot of common interests.


1. What are the benefits of younger and older generations living together? How about the drawbacks?

There are a number of practical and emotional advantages to younger and older generations sharing the same home – firstly, life today is very busy, and often both parents have to go to work – if there are children, then the grandparents can easily take over and look after the children during the daytime or when the parents are busy. This is a lot easier if everyone lives together in the same house, especially in big cities where housing is expensive and distances between work and home can involve long commutes. The drawbacks, well… there are also a number of drawbacks. You don’t get much personal space or private time if you live with other family members, especially grandparents… Sometimes other family members might also interfere in your daily business or poke their nose into your personal affairs or arguments with your husband or wife. So… everything has its advantages and disadvantages, in life.

2. Which one do you prefer, support from family members or friends?

It really depends to be honest. It’s impossible to say without a context!! If I want to talk about an emotional problem in a relationship or something, then I prefer to talk to my friends. However, if I want to discuss other issues, perhaps related to other family members, or my work or future, then I am perhaps more likely to seek family support and a listening ear from my mother and father in particular.

3. Is it important to visit family members?

Of course! It’s very important to keep in touch with one’s family members and visit them in person, as well. Sometimes it’s not so easy here in China because it’s a big country and cities are very far apart – it takes a long time to travel from place to place and during national holidays trains and planes are often over-booked and crowded. However, everyone in China usually makes quite a lot of effort to stay in touch and visit relatives – I think that it’s one of the aspects of our culture that we remain fairly traditional about – maintaining a close relationship with family.



