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一. 雅思口语考场技巧之微笑+自信



二. 雅思口语考场技巧之知考官所想


三. 雅思口语考场技巧之巧用连词

雅思口语考试中连词的使用非常重要,巧用练习可以让你的口语答题显得更加连贯,也更容易取得高分。雅思口语考试三个版块的连词使用也各有不同,第一部分答题更偏口语化,使用基本连词即可,比如and、but等等;第二部分主要是考生自我陈述,这部分大家可以使用一些诸如first、next、after that等连词;第三部分是针对第二部分的深入讨论,连词的使用要稍微“高端”一些,可以用subsequently、further more等等。

四. 雅思口语考场技巧之表达地道


五. 雅思口语考场技巧之注意part2和part3的联系



Describe a film that made you think a lot.

You should say:

What it was

When you saw it

What it was about

And explain why it made you think a lot

A film that made me think a lot was the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. It’s a film set in a mental institution in the United States. The leading character is a man called Randle, played by Jack Nicholson, and he is admitted to the mental home after serving a short sentence on a prison farm. On arriving at the mental institute he instantly gets along really well with the other patients, in a very amusing and mischievous manner – he connects with them on an emotional level as well, and starts to help them deal with their issues. He constantly runs into conflicts with the staff at the mental home and they have trouble trying to control him. As the plot evolves he becomes more and more cantankerous and mischievous and gets up to all sorts of antics. Personally, it touched me because it shows how an individual who is very different to the conventional norms of society can actually touch the hearts and minds of others in a profound and moving way. It’s a movie that speaks of independence, creativity and freedom in an unusually touching and moving way. I saw the film with my college friends in our dormitory when we were studying a short course in American Cinema with a foreign teacher at university. We had to do a few assignments based on this film and a few others. I really enjoyed the course actually, and I learned about how cinema has influenced western thought and morality in some curious ways.

Part 3

1. How do you define a good film?

I think a good film has an interesting theme, a strong plot, and engaging and inspiring characters. I also think that a good film needs to teach us something or inspire us in some way – if you remember a film for years after watching it, and it has had some influence on you then I’d say this is a decent definition of a good film.

2. Is film industry important in your country?

Yes, my country has come on in leaps and bounds with its film industry. Although in my honest opinion I think we are copying the Hollywood model too much and films are losing their sense of real meaning. But, yes, the film industry is a big industry in China and an important part of our modern cultural developments.

3. What kinds of films are popular in your country?

All sorts of films. Hollywood blockbusters, action movies, superhero movies, crime and detective, police dramas, romance… Lots of different genres, really. If I was asked which are the most popular out of all of these, I’d have to say Hollywood Blockbuster action films and superhero movies. These are still really popular with Chinese young people.

4. Why are special effects often used in some movies?

Special effects are used to create a lot of films, especially films that are about fantasy, or in the superhero genre. Also special effects are so lifelike today that they can make the impossible possible – I mean, you can have real space scenes, huge battle scenes and all sorts of things without having to actually set these things up with real people or real props and studio sets – you can do it all on the computer, which sometimes can also save money.


Describe a sport you would like to learn in the future.

You should say:

What it is

When you first learned it

Whether it is difficult

And explain why you would like to learn it

I would really like to learn to play tennis. It has become increasingly popular these days, and I think it’s a great sport. I first watched it on television, as a child, because my mother always followed tennis and watched Wimbledon. I always enjoyed the dynamics of the game, the running around, chasing the ball, the speed, the power of the rallies…It’s a game where you have to be really physically fit but have excellent hand-eye co-ordination too. It’s much faster than badminton and requires more strength and agility I think. I think it’s easy enough to play tennis in a simple way with a friend, but if you want to be really good at tennis, and play against really good players, then you have to have lessons, proper coaching you know, and really practice a lot and practice very regularly. I don’t really know any places near to where I live where I can have proper tennis lessons, so I haven’t had the chance yet, but when we move house I am going to make an effort to find a tennis club nearby and start taking beginner’s lessons. I’d really like to learn how to play tennis properly and become a good tennis player. I think it’s a great form of exercise and an exciting sport. Also, if I’m honest, I quite like the culture of the game… the etiquette, the really cool skirts and tennis outfits and the whole environment that surrounds the game. I could really get into this!


1. What are the benefits of doing sports?

There are multiple benefits of doing sports – both physical benefits and mental benefits. For example, as we all know, sports keep you physically fit and in good shape. Many sports offer good cardiovascular exercise. They’re also very good for one’s mental health – it’ proven that doing physical exercise releases chemicals in the brain which make people feel happier, more confident and more alert. So, sports provide a lot of mental and physical benefits – not to mention team sports; they teach us cooperation, working with others strategically towards a common goal, as a team. This is always good.

2. What is the difference between playing sports on your own and playing sports in a group?

There’s quite a significant difference actually. Playing sports in a group or a team help us develop teamwork skills – working with others, co-ordinating strategies with other people, and working together towards a common goal. Individual sports tend to be more personal – you’re aiming to beat a personal record and you have to have a lot of intrinsic motivation and determination to get ahead in these kinds of sports. And be someone who can motivate oneself alone, rather than alongside other people in a team.

3. Do you think international sport can help ease conflicts between different countries?

Yes, I think so. Sports go beyond cultural and political differences and I think that it’s very important that people from different countries recognize their common humanity and put aside these kind of differences that can cause people to disagree, not see eye-to-eye, and even fall out. Sports are unifying rather than dividing – or at least they can be if we approach them with the right attitude.



