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所谓的模版和答题套路,都是为了节省思考具体怎么说的力气,只不过大部分朋友们只知道用脑记,不知道用嘴巴记。这可能听起来很荒.唐。但是必须明确:口语是个体力活!口语是个体力活!口语是个体力活!语言在实际交流和使用中就成为了speech act,语言不再是文字而是动作,尤其是嘴巴、舌头、牙齿等等部位的动作。所以记模版套路就是记动作,光用脑是不够的,必须通过身体力行。练口语就像练舞蹈一样,必须通过成千上百万次的重复,让身体的每一寸肌肉记住这个动作,加上一些合理的外部刺激,形成牢靠的条件反射。所以口语神功第一式:张嘴反复念!确定了各类问题的个性化答题套路后,早中晚各一练,每次持续三十分钟。注意,这一式的核心是只要机械的重复,只动嘴不动脑。


有的朋友可能会担心自己的东北大碴子味儿在发音这项上太拉分。没关系,我们还有口语神功第二式:精听配跟读!具体怎么操作呢,分两步。第一步取一段录音,找到tapes cript,耳朵听,眼睛看,耳朵听到哪,眼睛看到哪。这一步的功效在于帮助大家把单词的形和声对应关联起来,对听力也是有帮助的哟!第二步,在第一步的基础上,跟读录音模仿发音和语调,耳朵听,眼睛看,嘴巴念,耳朵听到哪,眼睛看到哪,嘴巴念到哪。每日三次,早中晚饭后进行。注意,这一式的关键是,一个月内只用同一段录音。你问我为什么?天天换新的脑子会累啊!


Describe a part-time or short-term job you would like to do in a foreign country.

You should say:

What the job is

Where you want to do it

When you would to go there

And explain why you would like to do that job

I’d like to work as a tour guide. This may sound strange, but I have a few friends who while living in England actually got tour guide jobs for local National Heritage places, like parks and gardens that have old manor houses and stately homes and things like this. You see, there are a lot of Chinese tourists in many places overseas nowadays, and they often don’t speak very much English, and English speakers rarely speak any Chinese. So, I would like to learn about a place of national interest in a foreign country and get a job as a tour guide for Chinese tourist groups there. I’m really interested in history, you see, and I’m also really keen on improving my English, so I think that being a tour guide in an English-speaking country would combine these two interests very well. I could read the books about the tourist site, make notes, then translate them into Chinese and practice how I would show the places to Chinese tourists - you know, pick out the key facts and historical details of the places that I think would most appeal to a Chinese audience and talk about them. I’m also quite an extrovert person and I’ve always liked jobs that involve a degree of walking around, ‘teaching’ people things, telling amusing jokes and entertaining people. Tourists also like to be entertained a little bit too, so I’d be sure to find some amusing facts about the place and slip these into my talks. So, I think it would be the ideal job for my in the summer in a foreign country and I’d learn a lot as well as earn some money and enjoy entertaining the groups that I am responsible for. I think I could find such a job by looking online, or maybe calling the various tourist sites in the city where I’d like to find work. It would depend on where I could study overseas – first I’d get a place in a university, like York, for example, then contact the tourist sites in that city and apply for jobs. I think this is how my friends did it when they worked as tour guides during their summer vacations during their overseas study.


1. What kind of short-term jobs can we do when we go abroad?

There are a number of part-time or short-term jobs people can do when they’re overseas. I have friends who have done all sorts of things, usually quite menial jobs that are low-paying, but sometimes more interesting and stimulating jobs too. I think the most interesting ones I have heard about are jobs in a library or at local tourist sites – some of my colleagues have worked as tour guides part-time during the summer holidays. That’s one example of a short-term job that I think could be rewarding. Others worked in voluntary schemes, sort of charities, helping at orphanages or animal shelters. I can’t really think of any more examples, but I do think that part-time work can be beneficial for students and teach them responsibility, self-discipline and enable them to learn a little bit about working with others.

2. Why do you think some young people like to work abroad today?

I think some people enjoy the novelty of being in a foreign environment, meeting new people and learning new things. When we are in another culture we tend to learn a lot just in daily life – whether it’s simple stuff like everyday living and shopping and interacting with people in daily life, or more specific skills that one may learn working in a foreign company where the company culture is different, maybe the management style is different and the whole interaction with employees. I think working abroad can be rather challenging actually, and some people enjoy these challenges and benefit from them immensely, whilst others find them too overwhelming and intimidating and don’t enjoy them at all. Like a lot of things in life, it depends on a person’s personality, their ambitions and the things they enjoy doing in life.

3. Do Chinese parents encourage their children to work abroad?

I am not sure to be honest. Some parents do and some parents don’t. It totally depends. I think that some parents think it’s a good idea that their children do some part time work during the holidays if they are staying for the summer in the country in which they are studying, whilst others prefer their children to come home to see them and spend time with them because they’ve missed them throughout the rest of the year. There are parents who also feel it’s character-building and good for a person’s experience and confidence to take on some kind of work overseas between their studies. Life is often about experiences, and the more experiences you have the more mature, open-minded and understanding you can be about other people and life. So some parents encourage their kids to gain such overseas work experiences so that they develop new skills and become more mature about the international working world.

4. Are there any policies in China encouraging young people stay domestically to have a job?

I honestly don’t know to be perfectly honest. But I think that to a certain degree it’s good that people return to their home countries to work and contribute to their society. I’m not sure if there are any specific policies that encourage young people to do this, but I’d say it was a good thing that the skills we learn overseas are brought back home and used to help contribute to the growth of their home country.


Describe a large company that you are interested in.

You should say:

What it is

What kind of business it does

How you knew it

And explain how you feel about it

I’m interested in the company Microsoft. It’s a huge company and was founded by the famous billionaire Bill Gates. It’s a computer, technology company and everyone has heard of it and everyone knows it. I feel a strong sense of respect for the company and everything Bill Gates has done to establish it and make it the most powerful company, most possibly, in the world. I have always been interested in business management as well as programming and technology, so I am quite drawn to learning about tech companies, from my own country and overseas. I would love to become the CEO of a powerful company, myself, and succeed in making it really famous. On the topic of big successful companies, I am a strong believer that it’s really great to have a job with such a company – partly because of the job security, but also because a lot of these large tech companies have really interesting and innovative-focused company cultures. They tend to be very forward-thinking, with an emphasis on teamwork and a strong company culture that also includes open work spaces, wonderfully designed offices, canteens, cafeterias and plenty of extra benefits. Take Hua Wei for example: it has also become powerful and strong and attracts a lot of top talent because of the amazingly designed offices spaces, the attention to employee training and development and the spirit of innovation that goes beyond just the products themselves. I think that Microsoft was possibly one of the first companies to start to promote this way of running a company, and I think that is possibly because people in the tech field are always looking towards the future and thinking about what is the best method, the best approach to bringing out the best work from people – and a big part of that is making employees feel part of something great, as well as respected, paid highly and given additional attractive benefits that keep them ambitious, motivated and encouraged and inspired.


1. Which would you prefer to work for, a family-run firm or bigger national company?

I’d prefer to work for a smaller family-run company. Although, in some ways they are not as prestigious, I actually think that smaller companies can offer more interesting and exciting experiences. You end doing a wider range of tasks and feeling a bit closer to the owners and managers of the company. There is a level of flexibility and warmth that you don’t really get in huge companies.

2. What are important factors in making a company successful?

There are a number of key factors that contribute to making a company successful. Firstly I think the owners, the founders or main managers need to have a sense of vision, a strong self-confidence and an ambitious personality. I also think that a company needs the right kind of employees. The managers need to have a good sense of who and who not to recruit. They also need to treat the employees well, give them fair salaries and other benefits and holidays that will ensure they will be loyal to the company and work as hard as possible.

3. What kinds of qualities should a successful businessman have?

A successful business person should, to be honest, be quite assertive, quite dominant in some ways, and know how to talk to a variety of people in the right ways. There are moments to be very dogmatic and firm, there are moments to be soft and diplomatic – a good business person should be able to gauge the different situations and adopt the correct attitude to suit what is best for the company. Being decisive is another quality that is important in a business person who wants to succeed and do well. Sometimes you have to make decisions, the best decisions possible, in a very short time – so being able to think fast, evaluate things quickly and be decisive, is very important.

4. What emerging industries do you know about at the moment?

The biggest industry that I know about right now is probably the technology field, especially AI, artificial intelligence. A lot of money is being invested in optimizing

AI technology and using it in all number of different ways. Some people say that within just a decade computers will be doing most of the jobs which humans are doing today. I’m not sure if this will really happen, but it’s certainly an interesting thing to consider. Secondly, a fairly new industry is the development of renewable energy resources. Although people have been researching this for decades, it is only recently that there has been more of a drive to create alternative forms of energy and there have been some significant breakthroughs in solar power and electric and hybrid vehicles.



