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n. 围栏,轨道,钢轨,扶手,[动]秧鸡

vi. 责备,抱怨,责骂

vt. 将…围起来,铺铁轨,坐火车旅行,用围栏围

变形:过去式: railed; 现在分词:railing; 过去分词:railed;




rail用作不及物动词时,意思是“责备,辱骂,抱怨”。常与介词against, in连用。


It is better to fight for good than to rail at the ill与其抱怨,不如积善

He used to rail at the volume of paper - work he had to do.他以前老是因为不得不做大量的文牍工作而发牢骚。

He is always railing at his bad luck.他老是抱怨自己运气不好。


1、The government is spending billions of dollars on new urban rail projects.


2、The rail strike is causing major disruptions at the country's ports.


3、The sudden onset of winter caused havoc with rail and air transport.


rail词组 | 习惯用语

rail transit 城市轨道交通;铁路直达运输

by rail 由铁路,乘火车

light rail 轻轨;轻轨电车

rail transport 铁路运输

on the rails 正常进行;在正常轨道上

guide rail 导轨;导杆

off the rails 出轨的;混乱的,神经错乱的

heavy rail n. 重轨;重钢轨

steel rail 钢轨

on rail 铁路交货

slide rail 滑道,滑轨

rail steel 轨钢,钢轨钢

rail link 铁路联络线,轨节

go off the rails ◎行为越轨;(在实际问题上或道路上)走上错误的道路;◎发疯;

rail track 轨道;铁路线路

rail surface 轨面

guard rail 防护轨

rail service 铁路运输

rail car n. 机动轨道车;单节机动有轨车

side rail 纵梁,床侧板;护栏,舷梯扶手


1.He's always railing against his wife about her extravagance.他总是责怪妻子奢侈浪费。

2.The car caromed off the guard rail into the ditch.汽车撞上护拦又弹回,跌进沟里

3.He hurried across the rails in front of a train.他匆匆地赶在一列火车前面穿过了铁轨。

4.He was striking a pose, leaning against the ship’s rail.他摆了个姿势,靠在轮船的栏杆上。

5.They have railed the meadows off from the new railway cutting.他们已用栏杆把草地和新铁道的路堑隔离开来。

6.He leant against the railing, his breath coming in short gasps.他倚着栏杆,急促地喘气。

7.It is generally appreciated that the rail network needs a complete overhaul.众所周知,铁路系统需要大检修。

8.Rust has corroded the steel rails.锈侵蚀了钢轨。

9.He rails at his hard luck.他抱怨他的运气不太好。

10.Accessories for Curtains, Sliding Rails for Curtains, Curtain Rods, Brachet Systems, Rails Accessories采购产品帐篷配件,滑帐,帐竿,刺齿系统以横木围栏,栏杆配件

11.He had been railed against by them as a prig and a poseur.他们责骂他是一个沾沾自喜、装腔作势的人。

12.Slide rail adopts imported rolling steelball smooth rail,smooth and durable,which can support 50KG above.轨道采用进口走珠式滑轨,顺畅耐用,可承重50kg以上;

13.Rail passengers feel that they are getting the worst of both worlds—expensive fares and an unreliable service.铁路乘客感到自己什么都没落着,不但票价昂贵且服务没有保障。

14.The children's playground has been railed in so that the children do not wander on to the main road.孩子们的操场已用栏杆围在里面, 这样孩子们就不会跑到主干道上去。

15.The latest fare increase just piles on the gloom for rail passengers, who already feel they are paying too much.最近铁路票价上涨使乘客雪上加霜,他们本就觉得票价过高了。

16.Then it faces a bumpy journey on potholed roads (80% of the cargo arrives in Santos by lorry rather than by rail).其过程是颠簸的(80%的货物是由卡车而不是火车运输的)。

17.Millions of people travel about the country by rail, by bus,orby automobile,ordrive to and from their places of work and their homes。三个并列的by, by, by作为travel的方式状语。

18.High-street fashion is currently dominated by blouson tops, extra-stretch jeans, boyfriend sweaters and dresses that wouldn’t look out of place on a maternity rail.现在满大街都是束腰女衫,紧身牛仔裤,情侣衫,就是没有适合孕妇的服装。

19.The Shrinking of ChinaFor decades, rail travel in China meant an arduous overnighter in a crowded East German–designed train, riding along a rickety old track.美国《新闻周刊》11月2日的文章,另一个标题是“High-speed trains are making China smaller”。

20.On the basis of the characters of HG - II myriametre rail welder and thetechnological request of rail gas pressure welding in the field, a ra.根据新技术标准和施工工艺特点,在客运专线铺轨基地建造了全自动的长钢轨焊接流水生产线,总结出了长钢轨闪光接触焊的施工关键技术。



