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Ⅰ. 常考单词必背

1.ambition n.雄心;野心ambitious adj. 有雄心的;有野心的

His only fault is that he lacks ambition.他唯一的不足是志向短小。

2.beneficial adj. 有益的;受益的benefit vt. 有益于 vi.受益;得到好处 n.好处;益处

Your medicine has benefited me much.你的药对我大有益处。

[快速闪记]benefit from 从……中受益be of benefit to 对……有益(=be beneficial to)for the benefit of 为……(的利益)

3.clumsy adj. 笨拙的

4.adapt vt.&vi. ①(使)适应②改编;改写

I suggested he should adapt himself to his new conditions.我认为他应该使自己适应新的情况。

[快速闪记](1)adapt(oneself) to(doing) sth (使某人)适应(做)某事adapt...from... 根据……改编……be adapted for 为……而改编(2)adaptation n.[C] & [U] 适应;改编;改写本;改编的作品

5.absence n.①[C] & [U]缺席;不在②[U]缺乏

A stranger brought you this letter during your absence.你不在时,一个陌生人给你捎来了这封信。

[快速闪记](1)absence of mind 心不在焉in sb's absence 某人不在时in the absence of sth 缺乏某物(2)absent adj. ①缺席的;不在的 ②缺乏的be absent from 缺席……absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的

6.resign vi. 辞职;放弃 vt. 辞去;放弃;把……交付(给)

All the employees resign because the employer is too unreasonable.因为老板太不讲理,雇员全体辞职。She resigned her baby to the care of her neighbour.她把婴儿托付给邻居照管。resign from a job 辞职

7.adequate adj. ①足够的②恰当的;胜任的

[快速闪记]be adequate for 足够……be adequate to do...... 胜任做……;足以做……

8.access n.①接近/进入的方法;到达/进入的权利②通道;入口

Only a few people have access to the full facts of the incident.只有几个人可以知道事件的全部真相。

[快速闪记]have/gain/get/obtain access to 可接近;可进入;可使用accessible/?k'ses?bl/ adj. 容易取得的;容易接近的;容易受影响的be accessible to 能接近……,可使用……

9.approval n.[C] & [U]赞成;同意;批准

Do the plans meet with your approval?这些计划你赞成吗?

[快速闪记](1)approve vt. 赞成;同意approve of sb's doing sth 同意某人做某事(2)without approval 未经许可give one's approval to 同意;批准

10.profit n.[C] & [U]利润;收益;利益;益处 vt.&vi.有益(于);有利(于)

A company whose profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.一家在国内市场利润下降的公司可能会去国外谋求机会。It will profit us nothing to do that.做那事对我们没有任何好处。

Ⅱ. 高频短语必会

1.in other words 换句话说

[快速闪记]have a word with sb 与某人谈话keep/break one's word 遵守诺言/食言;失信beyond words 无法用语言表达

2.cut out 切下,裁剪

[快速闪记]cut across 抄近路cut away 切,剪,去掉cut down 减少,砍倒cut in 插嘴,插队cut off 切断,阻碍cut up 切碎,使悲痛,使伤心

3.out of breath 上气不接下气

Reaching the top of the tower,he was out of breath.到了塔顶他就上气不接下气了。

catch/hold one's breath 屏息;憋住气lose one's breath 喘不过气

4.all in all 总而言之5.sit around 闲坐着6.in many ways 在很多方面7.as well as 也;和8.make fun of 取笑9.never mind 不必担心10.meet with 遇到;经历;会晤

Ⅲ. 写作句式必学

1.Every time I returned after an absence,I felt stupid because I was behind the others.每次请过假之后,我觉得自己笨,因为比别人落后了一些。

2.Sometimes,too,I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered.有时,我的身体也很虚弱,以至于不能去上学,因此我的学习受到了影响。

3.Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.接受他们,给予他们鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩,充实美满。


Ⅰ. 常考单词必背

1.desire n.渴望;愿望;欲望 v.渴望;向往;要求

We all desire happiness and health.



(1)have a strong desire to do sth 迫切想要做某事

(2)have a strong desire for sth 急于想得到某物

desire to do sth 渴望做某事

desire sb to do sth 想要某人做某事

desire that主语+should+动词原形,should可以省略。

(3)desirable adj. 令人满意的

desired adj. 渴望的;想得到的

2.alarm n.警报;惊恐 vt. 使警觉;使惊恐;惊动

I forgot to set my alarm and I overslept.


They were alarmed by a sudden attack.


3.sympathy n.同情

I have a lot of sympathy for him;he brought up his two children on his own.



(1)feel/have great sympathy for sb 对某人深感同情

with sympathy 同情地

(2)sympathetic adj. 同情的;支持的

sympathize/sympathise vi. ①同情;怜悯 ②体谅;赞同

4.favo(u)r n.[U]喜爱;恩惠;赞同 vt. 喜爱;支持;赞成

The idea is beginning to gain widespread favour.



(1)in favour of 赞同;支持

in sb 's favour 对某人有利

do sb a favour/do a favour for sb 帮某人一个忙

ask sb a favour=ask a favour of sb 请某人帮忙

(2)favourable adj. 赞同的;有利的

favourite adj.&n.特别喜爱的(东西)

5.pile n.[C] ①一堆②大量 vt.&vi. 堆积;积聚

The leaves had been swept into huge piles.



a pile of 一堆

piles of 一堆堆的

pile up 堆积

6.absurd adj. 荒谬的;可笑的

He felt it was absurd to be filled with hatred for someone he had never met.


7. accompany vt. ①陪伴;伴随 ②伴随发生(with) ③伴奏(+on/at)

Friends,in this time of happiness,joy and goodwill to accompany you! 朋友,在这幸福的时光里,让快乐和美好永远陪伴着你!


(1)accompany sb to someplace 陪伴某人去某地

accompany sb on/at 用……给某人伴奏

accompany...with/by 与……同时存在或发生

(2)keep sb company 陪伴某人

in company with 与……一起

8.declare v.宣布(声明);申报;声明

He declared that he would fight for his right.



declaration n.宣言,布告,公告,声明

declare against 声明反对

declare sth to sb/sth 向……表明自己的观点

declare...open/close 宣布……开始/结束

declared war on 向……宣战

9.talent n.天才;特殊能力

Which of them has more musical talent is open to debate.


10.obey vt.&vi.服从;听从;遵守

disobey v.不服从;违抗

A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings.


obey the rules 遵守规则

Ⅱ. 高频短语必会

1.test out 实验;考验

2.ring up 给……打电话

3.turn around 转身;翻转

4.set aside 将……放在一边;为……节省或保留

5.in all 总共;总计

6.be bound to 一定做……

Ⅲ. 写作句式必学

1.It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.机器人如此通人性,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。

2.As a favour Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant.


3.She fell off a ladder and even though Tony was in the next room,he managed to catch her in time.



Ⅰ. 常考单词必背

1.annual adj. 每年的;年度的 n. 年刊;年鉴

Our school's annual sports day took place yesterday in 30-degree heat.昨天,学校一年一度的运动会在30度的高温下举行了。

2.witness vt. 目击;当场见到 n. 目击者;证人

The driving we have witnessed was beyond belief.我们亲眼目睹的驾车场面令人难以置信。

3.opposite adj. (无比较级) ①对面的;相对的②(截然)相反的;对立的 n. [C]反义词;对立面 prep.在……的对面

We have opposite views on politics.我们的政治观点不同。

She observed a man walking on the opposite side of the way.她注意到一个人在路的对面走着。

4.pause n. [C]中止;停顿;暂停 vi. 中止;停顿;暂停

She talked for an hour and a half without pause.她连续说了一个半小时,中间没有停歇。

After you introduce the topic,pause to hear what your partner says.在你引入了这个话题后,停下来听听你的伙伴怎么说。

5.flee(fled,fled) vt. 逃离;逃避 vi. 逃走;逃避

Many of the people have fled to the mountains to escape the floods.许多人为躲避洪水都逃到了山上。

The smile fled from his face.他脸上的笑容倾刻时消失了。

6.drag vt. 拖拽;吃力地往前拉 vi.落后;缓慢前进 n. 拖,拉; 累赘

We all have a good laugh,so the time never drags.我们经常笑得很开心,所以时间过得快。

She dragged herself out of bed,still half asleep.她挣扎着起了床,还是睡眼惺忪。

7.urge vt. 催促;极力主张;驱策

They urged me to eat (into eating) the strange food.他们怂恿我吃那种奇怪的食物。

He urged that we (should) take such steps.他极力主张我们采取这些措施

8.abandon/?'b?nd?n/ vt. 放弃;遗弃 n. [U]放任;狂放

Don't abandon yourself to despair.不要自暴自弃。

[快速闪记](1)abandon...to... 把……遗弃给……with abandon 放肆地(2)abandoned adj. 被抛弃的;报废的(3)abandon oneself to(to为介词) 沉溺于;纵情

同义短语:apply oneself to,devote oneself to,resign oneself to等。

9.target n. 目标;靶子;受批评的对象

I aimed the gun carefully at the target.我小心地用枪瞄准了目标。

10.sharp adj. ①锋利的;尖的 ②敏锐的;机警的 ③尖刻的;严厉的

Mary,who has sharp eyes,can see through others.玛丽,目光敏锐,能看透别人。

[快速闪记]sharpen vt. 磨快;使敏捷;使尖锐sharpener n. [C]磨具;卷笔刀

Ⅱ. 高频短语必会

1.help(...) out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危险

cannot help doing sth 禁不住做某事

2.be/become aware of 对……知道、明白;意识到……

3.upside down 上下翻转

4.(be)scared to death吓死了

Ⅲ. 写作句式必学

1.As I was sorting out my accommodation,I heard a loud noise coming from the bay.正在我找住处的时候,我听到从海湾那边传来一阵喧闹声。

2.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的呼声。

3.Being badly wounded,the whale soon died.由于严重受伤,鲸鱼很快就死了。


Ⅰ. 常考单词必背

1.concept n. 观念;概念

2.relevant adj. 有关的;贴切的;恰当的

It is a great honour for me to tell you some information relevant to the local life.我很荣幸告诉你一些和当地生活相关的信息。

When I am faced with a difficulty,I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages.当我面对困难时,我常常选择参考相关学习资料或网络。

3.adjust/?'d??st/ vt.&vi. ①(使)适应;(使)校准;(使)调整 ②整理;使有条理

She carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out.她出门之前仔细地整了整衣服和头发。

[快速闪记]adjust(oneself) to (doing) sth (使某人)适应(做)某事adjustment/?'d??stm?nt/ n.[C]&[U]调整;调节make an adjustment/adjustments to 调整……(以适应……)adjustable adj. 可调节的;可调整的

4.participate vi. (与in连用)参与;参加

Use an effective teaching style that allows people to participate in their learning.运用一种有效的培训风格让人们参与到学习中去。

5.otherwise conj. 否则;不然 adv. 用别的方法;其他方面

Otherwise,you may have problems such as red eyes,pain in the eyes,or a more serious condition.否则的话,你可能会有这样的问题,像红眼、眼痛或更严重的情形。

6.privilege n. 特权;荣幸

Having been born to privilege in old Hollywood,she was carrying on a family tradition by acting.她出身于过去好莱坞的名门,继承了当演员的家族传统。

7.donate v. 捐赠;捐献

She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause.她愿为高尚的事业捐款。

[快速闪记](1)donate...to... 把……捐给……同义短语:subscribe to,donate to,contribute to等。(2)donation n. 捐款;捐赠donor n. 捐赠者;输血者

8.voluntary adj. 自愿的;志愿的;无偿的

We run the meals-on-wheels service on a voluntary basis.我们根据自愿的原则,开展上门送饭的服务。

9.distribute vt. 分配;散布;分开 distribution n. 分配;分发

10.operate vi. ①操作;运转 ②起作用;奏效 ③(常与on连用)动手术;开刀 vt. ①操作;开动 ②经营③对……动手术

For most people,it's almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse...对大多数人而言,没有鼠标几乎无法操作电脑……

[快速闪记]operation n. [C] &[U]①操作;工作;运转 ②手术 ③作战(行动)operator n. [C]话务员;操作员;经营者;企业主

Ⅱ. 高频短语必会

1.hear from 接到……来信

2.(be) dying to 极想;渴望

3.the other day 不久前的一天

4.dry out (使浸水之物等) 完全变干;干透

5.dry up (指河流、井等) 干涸

6.in need 在困难中;在危急中

Ⅲ. 写作句式必学

1.Thanks for your letter,which took a fortnight to arrive.谢谢你的来信,这封信两星期才到。

2.There is no electricity or water and even no textbook either.这儿没有电,也没有水,甚至连课本也没有。

3.Once the fire was going,he laid stones on it.一旦火着起来后,他往火里扔几块石头。


Unit5 Travelling abroad


Ⅰ. 常考单词必背

1.queue n. [C]长队;行列 vi. 排队等候

If we had booked a table earlier,we couldn't be standing here in a queue.


2.recommend vt. ①推荐;介绍 ②劝告;建议(接从句时常用虚拟语气)

I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week,which my classmates recommended to me.



(1)recommend sb sth = recommend sth to sb 向某人推荐某物

recommend doing sth 建议(劝告)某人做某事

recommend sb to do sth 劝告某人做……

recommend sb as... 推荐某人当……

recommend that...(should) do... 建议某人……

(2)recommendation n. ①[U]推荐;介绍 ②[C]推荐信;介绍信;劝告

a letter of recommendation 推荐信

3.comfort n. 舒适;安慰 vt. 安慰

The old lady often comforts those who are in trouble.



comfortable adj. 舒服的

comfortably adv. 舒适地

4.substitute n. [C]代用品;代替者 vt. 用……代替

There is no substitute to hard work.



a substitute for...……的代替者

substitute A for B=substitute B with A用A代替B

substitute for 代替

5.requirement n. [C]需要;要求;需要的东西;必要的条件

We have to fit ourselves to the requirements of our jobs.



(1)require sth of sb 向某人要求某物

require+doing/to be done(主语为动作的承受者) 需要做被......

require+to do(主语为动作的发出者) 需要做......

require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

require that...(should) do要求……(虚拟语气)

(2)to meet/satisfy the requirements 符合/满足必备的条件

6.draft vt. 起草;制定;征募 n. 汇票;草稿;草案

Finally,my thanks go to my tutor,who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and polished every page of my draft.


7.acknowledge/?k'n?lId?/ vt. ①承认;确认 ②答谢;向……打招呼

It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.


acknowledgement n. 承认;答谢

in acknowledgement of 为感谢……

8.occupy vt. 占领;占用;使忙碌

He occupied his whole afternoon reading books.



occupation n. [C]&[U] ①占领;占据 ②工作;职业

be occupied with sth 忙于某事

be occupied in doing sth 忙于做某事

9.routine n. [C]&[U] 常规;惯例;例行公事 adj. 例行的;常规的

Thus eating becomes an enjoyment instead of a routine work you have to do every day.



a routine report 例行报告

10.abundant adj. 丰富的;充裕的

We have abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.



be abundant in (= be rich in) 富有……;……很丰富

abundance n. 大量;充裕

in abundance 丰富;大量

Ⅱ. 高频短语必会

1.adjust to 适应;调节

2.keep it up 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去


keep an eye on 照看;留意;密切注视

keep a record (of) 登记;记录

keep back 保留;阻止

keep fit 保持健康

keep...from doing 阻止……做

keep...in mind 记住;想着

keep off 避开;防止;挡住

keep on 继续(干)

keep...out (of...) 遮挡;使不进入

keep to one's promise 信守诺言

keep up 保持;继续(某活动);不使(斗志)低落;维持

keep up with 跟上;不落在后面

keep (a) watch 注意;警惕;提防

3.fit in 相适应;相融合

4.as far as one is concerned 就……而言

5.day in and day out 日复一日

6.out of the question 不可能的;不值得讨论的

out of question 毫无疑问

Ⅲ. 写作句式必学

1.It was the first time she had ever left her motherland.


2.Studying here is quite different from studying in China.


3.It's not just study that's difficult.


4.When I miss my family,it's great comfort to have a substitute family to be with.


5.Besides,as far as he was concerned,what other people thought was not the most important thing.


6.I have been so occupied with work that I haven't had time for social activities.



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