雅思写作常见词组1 At last
很多人在应该用“finally”或 “lastly”的地方用“at last”。
“at last” 即使跟另外那两个单词一样,可以被译成中文的“最终”或“最后”,但它们还是有不一样的用法。
我们为了谈论某一个过了很长时间后才被完成的事情会用“at last”。通常,我们对完成事情的时间长度不满意才用“at last”。
I waited for a full two hours. At last she arrived at half past ten.
I looked for a job for two years and did over 50 interviews. At last, I got hired two weeks ago.
在以上两句话,我们也可以用“finally”代替“at last”。
但以下的这些例子里,我们就只能用“finally”或 “lastly”,并不能用“at last”。
Firstly........... Secondly.............. Lastly/Finally
First you’ve got to eat, then wash the dishes and finally/lastly dry them.
Finally/Lastly, my last point on this subject is....
雅思写作常见词组2 In a word
很多雅思考生以为“in a word”像“finally”和“lastly”一样可以被用于文章的总结。事实上这个词组不经常出现在书面英语。这个词组在现实生活中出现最多的情况就是电视采访上。
通常节目时间很有限,马上就快要结束的时候,主持人就会问最后一个问题,然后为了提醒嘉宾时间很紧,就会加上“In a word”。
这样嘉宾就知道他没时间提供一个很完整很长的答案,得尽量直接用一个单词,通常“yes” or “no”回答。
例子:你打算明年退休吗?In a word.
In a word, 不打算。
Do you plan to retire next year? In a word.
In a word, no.
In a word, 德国.
In your opinion, who will win the World Cup?
In a word, Germany.
雅思写作常见词组3 Weather/Pollution
在中文里好像不怎么分别【污染】与【天气】那两件事。那导致很多雅思考生在写关于污染的作文时,错用weather(天气)那个单词。英语的weather是自然现象,只是自然现象,所以weather和pollution (污染)是两回事。长期来看,严重的pollution当然可以影响世界的weather。可是当被问到某一个地方的weather怎么样时,英语母语人不会考虑到pollution。他会谈到那边的温度,雨量,那边下不下雪等。
How’s the weather in Mexico City?
I don’t really like it, it’s too hot in summer. Another thing I don’t like is the air pollution there.
非自然的,由于污染产生的雾霾是:“smog”或“air pollution”。
雅思写作常见词组4 Good to your health
一般来说介词的正确使用对外语学生来讲挺难掌握。在英语里,某人对另外一个人好是:“to be good to someone”。但某一个东西对其他东西好,比如对人的健康好,则是“to be good for something” (e.g. one’s health)。
I’m really good to my friends, whenever we eat together I always give them the honor of paying the bill.
Don’t you know that eating chocolate ice-cream three times a day is bad for your health?
Really? Ok, starting tomorrow I’ll change to chocolate cake for breakfast.
雅思写作常见词汇5 Government
大多数时候,当我们用英语谈到政府时,除非我们把它做为形容词(如:政府政策 government policies),我们还是前面用“the”,或者后面加个“s”。
如果我们谈论我们自己国家的政府那应该说“the government”,而当我们指全世界的所有政府时要说“governments”。很多学生一直用“government”,那个“the”或“s”都不加。
What can be done to decrease cancer rates? Governments should spend more money on research.
I think governments should give students holidays whenever the weather is bad. Every time the temperature goes over 18 degrees, let everyone enjoy the sunshine, every time it’s under 17 degrees let everyone hide from the cold!
雅思写作常见词汇6 economy/economic/economics
a country’s economy是一个国家的经济
an economic crisis是一个经济危机
以及an economics professor也是一位教经济的教授。
You don’t seem to care about the environment?
No I don’t, as long as the economy keeps developing, we can build taller mountains and longer rivers!
Since the start of the economic crisis I haven’t been able to find work.
Wow, so you haven’t worked in around 10 years?
I mean the economic crisis in the 1990s!
You’re not going to your economics class?
With a boyfriend that rich, why study economics?
雅思写作常见词汇7 White collars
英语的“a white collar”(白色的领子),就是你真正会穿的那种白色衬衫有的那个领子。而那些在办公室上班的人,中文称为【白领】的则应该用英文“white collar workers”表达。
每当我看到学生写的类似这样的句子:“white collars usually take public transport to work”,我就会不由自主地想象一大堆脱离了衬衫的白色衣领在地铁站排队的景象!
At first I really liked white collar work, then the IT department blocked taobao!
雅思写作常见词组8 to be used to/to get used to
“To be used to”是指已经习惯。
如:“I´m used to the food here.”(我已经习惯这边的食物)。
“To get used to”是指变习惯的过程。
如:“It will take a few months to get used to the food there。”(将需要几个月习惯那边的食物)。
我曾经看过类似:“He was get used to”/ “I will getting used to”/ “He must to get used to”/ “They are not be used to”等等错误的表达。
Are you free tomorrow? Let’s meet for brunch at half eleven?
I’m not used to getting up so early!
Did it take you a long time to get used to the food in Thailand?
Yes, the burgers in McDonald’s there are somewhat different.
雅思写作常见词组9 even/even though/even if
很多雅思考生经常在应该用“even though”或“even if”的时候用“even”。
Has he finished his homework?
He hasn’t even opened his school bag!
我们想表达“即使”或“虽然”或“尽管”的意思时,通常用“even though”或“even if”。
在谈论事实情况或已经发生的事情,我们用“even though”。
Even though I just ate a full pizza, I’m still willing to have tiramisu.
“Even if”就像本身的“if”一样是用于谈论以后可能会发生的事情,以及我们想象的不可能的事情。
Then even if I die, I will die at ease.
雅思写作常见词汇10 A news
一个新闻或一个消息是“a news story”或“some news”。
These news stories are all about a dog that can tap dance.
This news is all about a dog that can tap dance.
Every day traffic seems to get worse on our roads. How can we reduce the number of cars on our roads today? What alternatives can we offer car drivers?
Model Answer:
The more people that there are in the world, the more cars there are on the road. People are richer too and often families have more than one car. It has been proved that building more roads does not work; it just encourages more traffic.
So, what can we do? People like their cars and the freedom and independence that cars give them. One possibility would be to raise car taxes and fuel taxes so that people do not want to spend the extra money. Taxes on new car sales as well could be increased in order to discourage people from buying. Perhaps a used car sales tax could be introduced too. In the same way motorways could have tolls charged for using them although this may just increase congestion on smaller roads as people try and avoid the motorways. The government that introduces such ideas will not be popular though and would probably lose power. Governments would therefore be unlikely to set up such new measures.
I think it would be better to try and change people‛s attitudes and offer them alternatives. Educate them more about the pollution and waste that they are causing. Persuade them to car share, use public transport or even cycle if the distances are not too long. Countries such as Holland and Denmark are well known for how their citizens are passionate about green issues and how they use bicycles when they can.
Reducing traffic is a difficult task. I don‛t think it is possible realistically to reduce car numbers but I do think that we can change people‛s attitudes and get them to use different ways of travelling.
The wealth gap between 1st world countries and 3rd world countries seems to be increasing. How can we reduce this gap? Do you think that developed countries have a duty to assist developing countries in every way?
Model Answer:
Every day the rich countries in the world get richer and the poor countries get poorer. Can we reduce this gap? Of course we can. The question is whether the people in power want to do it?
Reducing the wealth gap can be achieved by cancelling third world debt, cancelling trade and farming subsidies so that third world countries can compete, getting rid of third world corruption and investing and building in third world countries using local people and skills and allowing them ownership of businesses. There are other things as well. Unfortunately there is no profit in business for first world countries to do these things. Some will do them but most will not. The ordinary man on the street wants things to be better for poorer countries and the politicians say that they will help but the politicians will in the end do what business tells them to do. Politicians also rightly feel they have a duty to protect their own countries and keeping economically dominant is part of this duty. Creating effective competition for their own country‛s businesses is not part of what they are expected to do.
This then leads on to whether I believe that developed countries have a duty to help the developing countries. Yes, I do. As an individual I believe that we have a duty to assist the poorer countries with their development in all aspects. We can provide teachers and education and doctors on the small scale and on the larger scale the things that I have talked about in the previous paragraph. Can we do this? Yes. Will we do this? See the previous paragraph again.
In conclusion you can see that I believe that there is a split between what would happen in a perfect world and what actually happens. We have a duty to reduce the wealth gap between developed and developing countries and we can do it, but it is unlikely that this will happen quickly.