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  #全球协作# #社群经济#

  We get that our greatest opportunities are now global—we can be the generation that ends poverty, that ends disease. We get that our greatest challenges need global responses too—no country can fight climate change alone or prevent pandemics. Progress now requires coming together not just as cities or nations, but also as a global community.

  We all get meaning from our communities. Whether our communities are houses or sports teams, churches or music groups, they give us that sense we are part of something bigger, that we are not alone; they give us the strength to expand our horizons.





  I’m not worried about artificial intelligence giving computers the ability to think like humans.I’m more concerned about people thinking like computers without values or compassion, without concern for consequences. That is what we need you to help us guard against. Because if science is a search in the darkness, then the humanities are a candle that shows us where we’ve been and the danger that lies ahead. As Steve once said, technology alone is not enough. It is technology married with the liberal arts married with the humanities that make our hearts sing. When you keep people at the center of what you do, it can have an enormous impact. It means an iPhone that allows the blind person to run a marathon. It means an Apple Watch that catches a heart condition before it becomes a heart attack. It means an iPad that helps a child with autism connect with his or her world. In short, it means technology infused with your values, making progress possible for everyone.

  我不担心人工智能会让计算机像人类一样思考,我更担心人类像计算机一样思考,失却了价值观和同情心,罔顾后果。这是我需要大家帮助预防的。如果说科学就是探索黑暗,那么人性就是黑暗中的蜡烛,照亮我们走过的道路,以及前方潜伏的危险。史蒂夫曾说,光是技术本身还不足以成事。真正激荡人心的,是与文艺、人性相联姻的技术。如果你做什么都以人为本,就可以引爆巨大的影响。由此产生的,将是出允许盲人跑马拉松的iPhone、监测心脏病发作征兆的Apple Watch,以及帮助自闭症儿童与世界交互的iPad。简而言之,就是注入了价值观的技术,它们让所有人都能共同进步。



  Shared narratives are critical for fighting injustice and creating social change. A few years ago, we started LeanIn. Org to help work towards gender equality – helping women and men form Lean In circles – small groups that support each other’s ambitions. There are now more than 33,000 Circles in 150 countries. But It wasn’t until I lost Dave that I understood why Circles are thriving – it’s because they build collective resilience.

  Building collective resilience also means trying to understand how the world looks to those who have experienced it differently–because they are a different race, come from a different country, have an economic background unlike yours. We each have our own story but we can write new ones together – and that means seeing the values in each other’s points of view and looking for common ground.

  共享的故事是打抱不平和营造社会变革的关键因素。几年前,我们为了追求性别平等,开创了“励媖”,提供机会让男性和女性聚在一起——旨在形成支撑彼此追求的朋友圈。如今有超过33000 圈子遍布于150个国家。但我只有失去戴夫后才明白朋友圈为什么如此受欢迎,因为它构建的正是集体意志力。

  构建集体意志力,也意味着从他人的角度和经历看待世界 , 因为他们来自不同种族、国家和经济背景。我们都有自己的故事,但不妨和别人一起写出新的故事,这就要求你认真考虑对方观点,并寻找之间的共同点。


  #道德勇气# #奉献精神#

  I encourage you to always trust yourself and to be mindful of these three enduring questions. How will you respect your parents and honor your family? How will you share your success and serve others with dignity? And how will you lead with humility and demonstrate moral courage? You are leaving this campus as the best prepared generation in the history of our country. You each possess entrepreneurial spirit, the passion, and the commitment to create the future you deserve. However, don't stop there. Try not to rely only on what you have learned in the classroom. Summon your compassion, your curiosity, your empathy towards others and your commitment to service. Give more than you receive and I promise you, it will come back to you in ways you can't possibly imagine. ASU is because of you. You are because of ASU. We are because of each other. Ubuntu! Ubuntu! Ubuntu!

  我鼓励你们永远相信自己,并常常思考这三个问题:你如何尊重你的父母和家人? 你如何分享个人成功,有尊严地为他人服务?你会如何以谦卑姿态表现出道德勇气? 此刻离开校园的你们将成为我们国家历史上最棒的一代人。你们每个人都拥有创业精神,激情和决心去创造属于你的未来。但是,不要止步于此,不要仅依靠在教室里学到的东西。召唤你的热情、好奇心,对别人的同情心,以及为他人服务的决心吧。如果你多多奉献,我保证你收获的会比你想象得要多。亚利桑那州立大学由你们铸造,你们也由亚利桑那州立大学铸造。因为彼此,我们存在。Ubuntu! Ubuntu! Ubuntu!





