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The results of the 2008 U.S. election have been announced. Let's learn the vocabulary and pay attention to the long-awaited "2008 election".

Air war:空中大战

Air War: Air War


A campaign by a US presidential candidate to compete as much as possible for advertisements on television and radio.

Balancing the ticket:优势互补候选人名单

Balancing the ticket: list of complementary candidates


When a candidate wins the party's presidential nomination, he or she must choose an deputy. The Deputy must make up for the lack of presidential candidates, so as to increase the weight of winning. For example, in the 2000 election, Bush was considered relatively young and inexperienced in politics, so he chose Cheney, a Vietnam veteran, as his deputy.

Ballot initiative:公民投票

Ballot initiative: referendum


When federal and local elections are held in the United States, states usually hold simultaneous referendums on public policy and social livelihood proposals.

Battleground states:战场州

Battleground states: battleground states

从民意调查结果中看不出哪位候选人占据明显优势的州。与之类似的词是swing states(摇摆州)。有专家认为大选的最终结果将取决于这些州把选票投给了谁,因此候选人常在这些州展开激烈角逐。

The results of the poll do not show which state has a clear advantage. A similar word is swing states. Some experts believe that the final result of the election will depend on who these states vote for, so candidates often compete fiercely in these states.

Bellshepherd state:领头州

Bellshepherd state: leading state


Historically, the state's election results have predicted future presidential winners. Because, in terms of population, the state's election situation is the epitome of the national election. One of the most classic leading states is Missouri, which was not missed in every election except 1956. The original meaning of bellshepherd is sheepdog.


Beltway: Ring Road


Politically, the term mainly refers to congressional affairs carried out on the Washington, D.C. Ring Road (Interstate 495). For example, "Ring Road affairs" refers to a political matter or controversy which is very important. It is limited to politics and has little significance for the public.

Bill of rights:权利法案

Bill of rights


The first ten articles of the constitution amendment. In 1791, the bill of rights was passed in 11 states of the United States and became part of the constitution of the United States. Most of the bill's provisions impose restrictions on the government - things the federal government cannot do.

Blue state:蓝色州

Blue state: blue state


Specifically, voters in this state tend to support the Democratic Party.

Brokered convention: 讨价还价会议

Brokered Convention: Bargaining meeting


In the primary election or the first round of the Party Congress, when the candidates nominated by the party do not get the majority of votes, this meeting is called "bargaining meeting". Nominations will continue in the next vote, sometimes behind the scenes, so that candidates can get enough support.



