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Last June, we were very happy. This is a review of my mother's birthday celebration. This is my father's "perfect match".


Scene 1:


"Is there anything special these days?" Just at dinner, my mother suddenly asked, as if she was testing us. "I know. The day before yesterday was children's Day!" "No, no, your mother must have done a big business today." Mother's original passionate face suddenly lost its luster. I laugh at my father. "How can you forget that the day after tomorrow is my mother's birthday!" Ha ha, the first successful cooperation!


Scene two:


"Dad, hurry up!" "-- daughter --, I will also --" dad pulled up Jingqiang. "Hey Chi, hey Chi, three sweeps on the left, three sweeps on the right, under the table, under the chair, quick sweep, quick sweep, we have to hurry up." I was sweeping the floor and singing. "Hurry up, hurry up, my wife will come back soon, surprise her and make her happy!" Dad took my voice and sang, but I don't know where it is. I sweep the floor, Dad mops the floor; dad buys vegetables, I wash vegetables; I cut vegetables, dad cooks vegetables, I'm very busy, and I cooperate very well. In a short time, the house was cleaned to be spotless and set up like a banquet in the market. There were all kinds of vegetables and delicacies. OK, the cooperation is successful, only waiting for the heroine to appear.


Scene three:

“嘘,老妈回来了。爸,开场了!”静静的,妈妈用钥匙打开了门。一片漆黑,一片烛光从房门后射来。“happy birthday to you,……”我手捧着蛋糕,慢慢走到老妈面前,只见烛光映在妈妈的脸上,妈妈露出了喜悦的笑容。“把爱全给了我,把世界给了我……”灯突然全亮了,紧随而来的是爸爸的歌声。老爸向来是五音不全,更何况对popmusic(流行音乐)一窍不通,逗得我和妈妈捧腹大笑,瞧,他还自鸣得意地唱着呢!这也正是合作计划之一呢——逗老妈笑!大功告成,合作愉快!

"Shh, mom is back. Dad, it's the beginning! " Quietly, mom opened the door with the key. It was dark, and a candle light came from behind the door. “happy birthday to you,……” Holding the cake in my hand, I walked slowly to my mother, only to see the candlelight reflected on her face, and her mother showed a happy smile. "Give me love and the world..." All of a sudden, the lights came on, followed by Dad's singing. Dad has always been a pentatonic, not to mention the pop music know nothing, make my mother and I laugh, look, he is also complacent singing! This is one of the cooperation plans - make my mother laugh! Success, happy cooperation!


Thanks to my careful cooperation with Dad, mom had a wonderful birthday. It can be said that "sitting up and talking, a happy family; happy in the meantime, my mother laugh"!



