1. The fact is that…
替换词:The reality is that…
例句:The reality is that this will be hard, if not impossible, to achieve.
2. joy
替换词:happiness/ delight/ enjoyment
例句:Only those who love their work can get inside the delight in work.
3. sadness
替换词:sorrow/ grief(程度逐渐加深)
例句:Tears are signs of gladness as well as of grief.
4. danger
替换词:hazard/ peril (后面这个词语气很强,危险程度非同一般)
[派生] dangerous;hazardous
例句:A new report suggests that chewing gum may be a health hazard.
例句:They were in peril of death from hunger.
5. advertisement/ advertising
如果你写过关于广告的题目,就一定体会过不停轮换使用advertisement/ advertising有多郁闷。其实主体段论证中完全可以把广告类细化,比如:
non-profit advertisements/public-interest advertisements (公益广告)
例句:The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.
6. car
例句:The great number of automobile accidents emphasizes the need for careful driving.
7. famous people
替换词:celebrities (单数为celebrity)
例句:There is nothing worse than suddenly becoming yesterday's celebrity.
8. human beings(被考生使用过多)
替换词:humanity(注意这个词的单数指人类,复数指人文学科)/the human race
例句:They face charges of committing crimes against humanity.
9. wealth
替换词:wealthy/ affluent (adj.)
fortune(s) (指一大笔钱。fortune作财富的意思时可以加复数)
[相关] rich
例句:He endowed the hospital with half his fortune.Cigarette smoking used to be more common among affluent people.
10. skill(技能,本领)
例句:To compete with others and obtain good evaluation, students must learn many techniques and get high grades.
开头段主要用以下几种方法来组织,即背景法(Background), 争议法(Controversy),提问法(Question),故事法(Story)和引言法(Quotation)。
以背景法为例。背景法一般会提出一种普遍的或值得关注的现象作为背景 或者是由远到近,由大到小地谈论紧扣论题的社会观点作为背景。背景法开头段的结构通常如下:背景(1-3句)+论题+反方观点+(反方理由)+过度+(正方观点)+作者的观点+作者的理由。以2007年8月11日的独立写作试题为例:Technology makes people's lives more complicated. 题目涉及到了现今社会比较热门的话题---科技。这样,我们就可以以这种社会比较关注的现象作为我们作文的开头背景。因此这个题目的首段就可以这样开始:Technology has had tremendous impacts on every aspect of modern life. However, people are having conflicting opinions about whether it has made people's lives more complicated or not. I believe technology has by and large made our lives more convenient。第一句话就是一句紧贴社会的背景,这样写不但很容易打开考生自己的思路,抓住作文的焦点,还能引起考官的共鸣。
中间段落的文章结构通常如下:Transitional words + topic sentence + development。如果考生在平时能熟练运用这样的一个结构来展开作文,那么考场上就会凭借这份思维定势来帮助自己抓住每一分。中间三个段落都可以套用这种模式。
Transitional words主要有以下三种,即表顺序:firstly, secondly, finally (last but not least);表并列:besides, in addition;表对比:in contrast, in comparison。这些衔接词会让文章看起来脉络清晰,组织严密,也就做到了评分标准中的“well-organized”一条。
2.必须表明观点。如果考生把一句无关痛痒的话放在主题句的位置上,很显然无法表明自身观点。比如像“今天是晴天”这样的话没有表明观点;然而 “今天是个好天气”就包含一种感情色彩在里面,给人一种立场明确的感觉。考生应该切记:没有反驳余地的就不可以作为主题句。
文章结尾段落虽然并不像开头和中间段落那样重要,然而没有结尾的文章是不完整的,不符合基本写作要求。所以考生在考场上一定要在结尾处再次声明自己观点(restatement), 或者提出新的希望,或者提出解决问题的方案,从而让考官有一种善始善终的良好印象。如果考生能做到以上几点,那么我们的作文构思就是比较成功了。
Groups or organizations are an important part of some people's lives. Why are groups or organizations important to people?
It was said that human beings are social animals. Some might argue human beings should be not called animals, but it’s true that human beings are social. Therefore, it’s of no surprise that groups or organizations are almost an indispensable part of most people’s lives.
Most people are afraid of being alone, and for them, being with others is one of the most natural needs. Being a member of a group is comfortable. If an individual has gone so far as to being considered isolated, rumors arise. Others might ponder: what is the matter with that solitary individual? No one would like to be wondered in that way. Being a member of a group is also interesting. Every one has his own special means to pursue of happiness, for example, he might be keen on music concerts, or be fond of stamps collecting. By join a special interest group on his pet topic, he can easily find many people whose interests are similar to his, and can share his pleasure with those who can really appreciate it in proper way.
Many people find group or organizations are essential because they know a simple and never-changed fact that every single individuals on this Earth has only limited resources. Groups or organizations are always the best choice for an individual to emancipate himself from limitation. By joining a group, an individual is able share his limited resource with others, and share others’ resources in turn, therefore is virtually able to reach a much larger amount of resources. The most popular resource-sharing activities exist in the Internet. There are numerous BBS on almost every particular topic on various websites, which always makes copious valuable materials readily reachable. No matter what a person is interested in, for example, music, movie, books, or whatever, he will find a right group to join on the internet.
In fact, any individual in a sense exists in a certain group: either he is a member of some groups, or he is a leader of a group. Either way, the group is critical to him. He cannot achieve greatness solely by himself, regardless of his status in the group; he needs others, for help, for support, and many other things, since nobody but God, should he be alive, is entirely independent and omnipotent